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{ Vocabulary Workshop Lesson 8 Made By: Abdulla Khalifa.

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2 { Vocabulary Workshop Lesson 8 Made By: Abdulla Khalifa

3 Meaning: having a pleasant appearance; attractive; suitable Synonym(s): Attractive, beautiful Antonym(s): Ugly, Unattractive Sentence: Yesterday I picked a comely flower, it looked beautiful. Adj. Comely

4 Meaning: a villain; an evildoer; criminal; evil Synonym(s): Evil, Criminal Antonym(s): Moral, Good Sentence: Mr. Abbas took the miscreant boy out of the class, because he was causing trouble. he was causing trouble. N. Miscreant

5 Meaning: to show off; to display oneself proudly or conspicuously Synonym(s): Show off, Hotdog(as in brag) Antonym(s): Hide, Conceal Sentence: Some people like to flaunt about their new phones, for about their new phones, for they are arrogant. V. Flaunt

6 Meaning: false; mistaken; incorrect Synonym(s): Wrong, Incorrect Antonym(s): Correct, True Sentence: Mohammed Adnan always answers erroneous answers, for they answers erroneous answers, for they are always wrong. are always wrong. Adj. Erroneous

7 Meaning: a process, condition, or period of decline or decay; deterioration; moral decay Synonym(s): Corruption, Decay Antonym(s): Morality Sentence: Greed causes decadence, for it corrupts one’s self. N. Decadence

8 Meaning: a generalized oversimplified view or opinion that members of a group rigidly apply to a thing an idea or another group Synonym(s): Example Antonym(s): No Antonym(s) :( Sentence: While many people believe the stereotype all teenagers are lazy, their beliefs are false. N. Stereotype

9 Meaning: claiming an undeserved distinction; affectedly grand Synonym(s): Exaggerated, Overrated Antonym(s): Honest Sentence: The new iPhone is pretentious, for it isn’t that good. Adj. Pretentious

10 Meaning: too showy; done in an overly elaborate way to attract attention Synonym(s): Showy, Flashy Antonym(s): Plain Sentence: Most shops have ostentatious lights around them to attract customers. Adj. Ostentatious

11 Meaning: too severe in judgment Synonym(s): Captious Antonym(s): Lenient Sentence: Mr. Abbas is gives hypercritical punishments to students, for they are very severe. students, for they are very severe. Adj. Hypercritical

12 Meaning: easily angered; given to outburst of temper; irritable Synonym(s): Angry, Cranky Antonym(s): Pleasant Sentence: It does not take much to aggravate my irascible neighbor who is annoyed by any little noise. Adj. Irascible

13 Done by: Abdulla Khalifa Thanks for watching!

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