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Vocabulary Lesson 9 8 th Grade. influx intricate memento query sporadic staple tumult unseemly abet agile allot balmy congregate divert humdrum.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Lesson 9 8 th Grade. influx intricate memento query sporadic staple tumult unseemly abet agile allot balmy congregate divert humdrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Lesson 9 8 th Grade

2 influx intricate memento query sporadic staple tumult unseemly abet agile allot balmy congregate divert humdrum

3 abet verb – to assist in some activity especially a questionable one. Bob aided and abetted the criminal to escape from prison.

4 agile adjective – able to move or think quickly. Agility – noun – quickness of mind The gymnastic was very agile moving between the parallel bars. Antonym : clumsiness

5 allot verb – to distribute a portion or share. Bob decided to allot $100,000 to buy new furniture for the office. Synonym: assigned

6 balmy adjective – soothing or mild The weather has been so balmy this week that we could go without a coat.

7 congregate verb – to assemble in a group Synonym: assemble The students began to congregate together in the gym for the assembly.

8 divert verb – to turn aside verb – to entertain diversion – changing direction or entertaining Noun The trench was dug to divert the flood waters away from the houses.

9 humdrum adjective – Lacking excitement The vacation day was so humdrum. We did absolutely nothing special.

10 influx noun – an arrival in a large number There were a large influx of people arriving at the airport at the same time. Antonym : departure

11 intricate adjective – complicated, having a lot of detail The lace she made had such an intricate pattern.

12 memento noun – a souvenir kept as a reminder of the past I have a silver certificate as a memento from my grandmother.

13 query noun – a question verb – to question It’s time to query the class about the vocabulary game that we are playing. Antonym: reply

14 sporadic adjective – happening occasionally The assignments were turned in on a sporadic basis. Antonym : regular

15 staple noun – a basic food noun – a fastener adj. – most important A important staple crop in China is rice.

16 tumult and tumultuous noun – noisy excitement adjective – marked by uproar The announcement of free money caused great tumult in the room

17 unseemly adjective – not suitable, inappropriate and improper The change in the staff was very unseemly because it happened so quickly. Antonym : appropriate

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