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Phenotyping in large-scale screens Lisa Donovan Andries Temme University of Georgia.

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1 Phenotyping in large-scale screens Lisa Donovan Andries Temme University of Georgia

2 Overview of all large-scale phenotypic screens with SAM for GWAS StressField screens (plots, seed yield) Greenhouse & Growth-room screens (indiv. plants, biomass) DroughtDREC, CA (Donovan)UGA (Masalia) Low nutrientsUgandaUGA (Donovan) SaltSaskatchawanUGA (Burke) FloodingNorth DakotaUBC (Gao)

3 Drought stress screen at DREC:  Desert Research & Extension Center, Imperial, Valley  Experimental design  288 lines x 2 treatments (control, stressed) x 3-4 reps  additional plots for destructive harvest for 20 lines  Tractor-mounted sensor-based high-throughput phenotyping  Height*, Canopy temperature*, Reflectance*: NDVI*, CWSI*, LAI*  Traditional phenotyping  Leaf  13C*, N*, area, shape, SLA, chlorophyll content, NDVI, LAI  Phenology*, height, stem diameter, biomass, RGR, RMR, roots

4 Low Nutrient Stress preliminary study at UGA Fall 2015 (Alan Bowsher)  Purpose: choose nutrient levels and most informative phenotypes for large scale screen  “Core 12” lines x 3 reps each treatment 2 and harvest stages  Nutrient treatments 8 levels 0, 2, 4, 8,12, 20, 30, 40 g osmocote, for plants harvested at R2 budding stage  Traits  Traditional leaf traits similar to drought study, plus nutrient resorption proficiency  Phenology, height, stem diameters, biomass (fine roots, coarse roots, stem, leaf, reproductive)


6 Stem Diameter (mm) Nutrient Treatment Level (g of Osmocote) Harvested at Budding Stage

7 Next: Low Nutrient Stress Screen, Summer 2016  288 lines x 3-4 reps x 2 treatment (control, stressed)  Most informative phenotypes from preliminary study, possibly:  Traditional leaf traits similar to drought study  Phenology, height, stem diameters, biomass (fine roots, coarse roots, stem, leaf, reproductive)

8 After screens: mechanistic analysis of stress resistance  Contrast height and low stress resistance lines  Multiple experiments, lines & time points for each stress  Detailed physiological characterization  Transcriptional responses

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