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Aim: Explain Progressivism and why it began in the late 1800s? Do Now: What were the negatives of Industrialization?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Explain Progressivism and why it began in the late 1800s? Do Now: What were the negatives of Industrialization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Explain Progressivism and why it began in the late 1800s? Do Now: What were the negatives of Industrialization?

2 Aim: How did Theodore Roosevelt carry out Progressive Reforms? Do Now: What do you think Progressivism means?

3 Aim: How did Theodore Roosevelt carry out Progressive Reforms? Do Now: Take out Theodore Roosevelt worksheet answers

4  Poverty and slums  Poor working conditions  Big corporations – power over government and economy

5  Reform movement seeking to return control of government to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices  POLITICAL movement

6  Trusts – combinations of businesses  Eliminated competition  Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 – illegal for corporations to gain control of industries by forming trusts  Enforcement was weak


8  N.Y. Governor  President after McKinley is assassinated  Youngest person ever to become president


10  Writers who began to expose corruption in American society  Ida Tarbell – accused Standard Oil of using unfair tactics to force small companies out of business  Upton Sinclair – The Jungle  Poor sanitation of meat packing industries

11  Launch investigation of meat packing industry  1906 – Meat Inspection Act  Inspection program  Pure Food and Drug Act  Ban sale of impure foods and medicines


13  United Mine Workers of America  Coal workers on strike in Pennsylvania  Coal needed to provide heat for winter  T.R. says he will send in troops  Compromise between union and owners  “Square deal” for all


15  Break up monopolies and trusts  Use Sherman Anti-trust Act (1890)  Northern Securities Company  J.P. Morgan’s Railroad  Standard Oil Company  Rockefeller


17 Aim: How was the U.S. able to build the Panama Canal and what was its importance? Do Now: Is it right for the U.S. to constantly be involved in world affairs? Why or why not?

18  Fastest mode of travel was by ship  Getting from Atlantic to Pacific  Around tip of South America


20  Best spot for canal to link Atlantic and Pacific  Colombia - Isthmus of Panama  Colombia unwilling to give up land  Rebellion taking place in Colombia

21  T.R. sends in Navy to support revolution (our business?)  Rebels defeat Colombian government – Panama is founded 1903  Panama sells land to U.S.  $10 million and $250,000 a year

22  Great White Fleet  “Speak softly and carry a big stick”  U.S. dominant in Western Hemisphere  Corollary – expands Monroe Doctrine in saying U.S. will act as a “policeman” in Latin America  Intervene when necessary

23  Land was swampy  Mosquitoes that cause malaria  45,000 workers (many black West Indians)  5,000 die  Completed in 1914

24  Controlling how natural resources are used  National Parks  Yosemite, California  Grand Canyon  200 million acres of public lands

25  Brought back a strong executive (president)  Intervene in foreign affairs – Roosevelt Corollary, Panama Canal  Progressive reforms – trust buster, square deal  Conservation  Nobel Peace Prize – mediator in Russo-Japanese War 1905

26  T.R. doesn’t run  Taft – handpicked successor  Continues T.R.’s policies  Antitrust

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