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Russian Revolution By Jeen Introduction In 1917, two revolutions completely changed the fabric of Russia because of economic crisis, social problems.

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2 Russian Revolution By Jeen

3 Introduction In 1917, two revolutions completely changed the fabric of Russia because of economic crisis, social problems and political problems. First, the February Russian Revolution toppled the Russian monarchy and established a Provisional Government. Then in October, a second Russian Revolution placed the Bolsheviks as the leaders of Russia, resulting in the creation of the world's first communist country.The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aka the USSR or the Soviet Union, started by VI Lenin and the Bolsheviks after the Overthrow of Czar Nicholas in 1918.

4 Source 1 Head of the newspaper : Four years by T.A. Jackson and R.W. Postgate Source: Primary source Publisher: Communist party of great Britain (published during Nov,5 1921) Transcription: Brian Reid Why this was the source produced: the newspaper wants people to know the truth,the situation, the beginning and the end of Russia during 1917-1921. Why this source is useful: This source shows the opinion and the truth of the revolution of that time media and reconsider the revolutionary situation and causes.

5 Source 2<------- CLICK Source : secondary source (clip,song,cartoon) By: posted by Hung Nguyen in Mar,15 2011 Category of clip : Film and animation Why was the source produced and how useful: “Peace! Land! Bread! ”,This source is produced to show the important promise of "bread, peace and land" could not have been more dear to the heart of the average Russian during early part of the 20th century. Lenin recognized that for his revolution to be successful they attract and sustain the peasantry and the disenfranchised middle class. This clip shows: The demand of population during 1917 and how the Bolshevik leader, Lenin, solved these problems.

6 Source 3 Image Title: Tol'ko tesnyi nerazryvnyi soiuz rabochikh i krest'ian spaset Rossiiu ot razrukhi i goloda. Alternate Source Title: [Kollektsiia Russkikh i Ukrainskikh plakatov, 1917-1920 godov v Slaviano- Baltiiskom otdele Niu-Iorkskoi Publichnoi Biblioteki]. Published Date: 1920 This image shows: Only the close union of workers and peasants will save Russia from destruction and hunger. Why this source is useful: It shows that workers and peasants were the great army in russian revolution because these people were faced the obstacles, hunger and suffering the most. Work site: 8372&sid=1659184

7 Source 4 Image Title: Trudovoi khleb. Where and When: Collection of Russian and Ukrainian posters, 1917-1921, New York Public Library. This poster shows : Labor is Bread -Who doesn't work doesn't eat. The selfish autocrats and monarch at that time, threat the worker state and the peasant to work hard for their food while they had plenty of food to eat. Why this source is useful: This poster shows the terrible and inequality living condition of the poor working people in russian which is one of the causes in economic in this revolution. Work site : d=198372&sid=1659184

8 INTERVIEW the expert Jeen: What were the main causes of russian revolution in 1917? Mr.Kenny: There were so many causes in this revolution. Start with the economic, at that time Russia was the poorest country in Europe and a lot of people in Russia were suffering especially in the city because of the problem called industrialized so there were many factories and in the capital of Saint Peter Berge there was a lot of unrest among the working people because they have to work very long hours for low paid. And as you know Russia is a very cold country so at that time, Russian were suffering and dying because of their natural element. Jeen: How about the political problems? Mr.Kenny: During the first World War, in russia, the war was unpopular because many young russian die in the war at this time. Also the Tsar and the Queen were very extravagant. Nicholas and Alexander had the palace for a winter and palace for the summer! But the War was the main causes of the russian's political problem in 1917. Jeen: Who was the Revolutionary leader at that time? And what was his ideology? Mr.Kenny: The Russian Revolutionary leader was Lenin and he was inspired by the ideology from the German by Karl marx called Communism and inspired by the book,written by Karl marx called Manifesto. Lenin led the group of people called Bolshevik which mean Communist. The idea of communist was that we do not need King or Queen cause King and Queen are corrupted, they are extravagant and greedy and more social justice and equality. He was the revolutionary leader but actually there were many leaders. Jeen: Did the revolution improve the living condition of the citizen? Mr.Kenny : The revolution did Improve the living condition of the poor but not the rich. So if you were owner of the factory or land lord, many land lord were killed and the owner of the factory should returned your property to the government, this was called the centralized revolution, the government take control of everything.But the living condition was improved because there was no Tsar who was the main cause of this revolution Jeen: Thank you Mr.Kenny!

9 Summary of Russian Revolution Economic Causes 1) Tsar's management 2)Tremendous economic strains of WWI on society 3) Many men joined army that there were insufficient numbers to run factories/farms, which led to widespread shortages of food, and working conditions deteriorated so badly that workers rioted and engaged in strikes to get better wages. Political causes 1) Dire economic situation was faced by urban workers, health and safety conditions dismal 2) Upper classes and educated resented Tsar Nicholas' autocracy 3) Perception of government decadence and ineptness affected each level of society who saw Romanov regime as corrupt. Social causes 1) Continuance of popular opposition to Tsar and his policies due to discontent of peasants, worker, and minorities 2) Centuries of oppression towards lower classes, feelings of being second class subjects. Effects of Russian Revolution 1) End of autocratic rule 2) Establishment of a socialist/communist government 3) Withdrawal of Russia from WWI 4) Industrial growth and organization of economy on five-year plans 5) Complete transformation of Russian society, government, economy 6) Formation of Soviet Union

10 The End thank you

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