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What about us? Identification: using a validated screening tool to identify ‘risky’ drinking I usually ask some questions about alcohol use here. Are you.

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Presentation on theme: "What about us? Identification: using a validated screening tool to identify ‘risky’ drinking I usually ask some questions about alcohol use here. Are you."— Presentation transcript:

1 What about us? Identification: using a validated screening tool to identify ‘risky’ drinking I usually ask some questions about alcohol use here. Are you be OK to go through some now? Um… OK great

2 FAST Question 1 How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more units if male, on a single occasion in the last year?

3 Units: only 2 in 5 people know them *Drinkaware survey 2011

4 What is a unit? 1 unit = 8 g (10 ml) of pure ethyl alcohol Formula: %ABV x volume in ml 1000 1 litre of any drink contains the same number of units as it’s ABV Beware of brands (strength) and glass sizes!

5 What FAST tells us: Alcohol use (2 or less score): Drinking within or close to the recommended guidelines, including 2 or more alcohol-free days each week Alcohol misuse (3 or more score): increasing/higher risk/dependent? Drinking above the recommended guidelines - drinking at a level which is potentially or already causing health or social problems, which may include dependency

6 What AUDIT tells us The level of alcohol misuse! ‘Increasing risk’ drinking Drinking somewhat above the guidelines, therefore at increased risk of harm but may not yet be experiencing alcohol-related harms ‘Higher risk’ drinking: Regularly drinking at least double the recommended guidelines. Already experiencing alcohol-related problems, but often unaware of these Alcohol dependence: Generally characterised as a strong desire to drink and difficulty controlling use. Most dependence is mild i.e. psychological, rather than severe (i.e. physical)

7 FAST SCORE CATEGORY Adult population BASW event? 0-2Lower risk 74%? 3+Increasing risk ? 3+ Higher Risk ? 3+ Possible dependence ? Alcohol misuse: summary table 26% ?%

8 FAST SCORE CATEGORY Adult population BASW event? Your client group? 0-2Lower risk 74% ? 3+ Increasing risk ? 3+ Higher Risk ? 3+ Possible dependence ? Alcohol misuse: RESULTS! 26% 66.6% (24) 33.3% (12) You won’t know unless you ask! TOTAL= 36

9 Alcohol-related hospital admissions } ACUTE

10 By the way… calories! Glass of 175 ml wine = in calories Av. pint of lager = in calories OR 130 cal 170-250 cal

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