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Models and Components of Great Nonprofit Dashboards

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Presentation on theme: "Models and Components of Great Nonprofit Dashboards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Models and Components of Great Nonprofit Dashboards
9/25/2012 Models and Components of Great Nonprofit Dashboards A Tutorial with Hilda Polanco, FMA Organizations are either services orgs or orgs with a product – no advocacy organizations Need to make it clear that these are mostly finance related, would tend to apply more to social service organization or arts organization where certain things can be quantified As you get further out with outcomes, it gets more complicated We have to say that there is greater complexity in certain kinds of organizations when you’re measuring in long-term impact. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t engage in that complexity This should take people a long way in terms of understanding how to test a leverage point / provides an easy way to test your assumptions. If you have a hypothesis: if we do this, then it allows you to do that. Once you figure it out, you may want to move into other measurements. Need to trigger this conversation with Hilda. Government grants – could be seen as being earned income Ask questions when we get to the dashboard example slides; then ask questions after each dashboard example (keep the questioning period to 5 minutes each at the most) Wants to take this and adapt it for the magazine; Ruth will adapt it for something for the magazine based on the recording Sponsored by: Tweet us! #HildaOnFinance

2 Operational Excellence
Operational excellence is an organizational culture that values learning, problem solving and a strong commitment to continuous improvement Key component: Performance Measurement

3 Benefits of Performance Measurement
9/25/2012 Benefits of Performance Measurement By actively engaging in performance measurement, an organization: Aligns definitions of success across the organization Encourages dialogue about progress toward goals Facilitates timely identification of successes and challenges Grounds decisions in concrete data and evidence Illuminates relationships between different activities

4 The Performance Measurement Cycle
9/25/2012 The Performance Measurement Cycle Define Implement Monitor Evaluate Refine Tie what you measure to intended impact Identify areas for improvement and develop a plan Be consistent in data entry and interpretation Establish mechanisms to understand what is working and what isn’t Track trends in metrics as well as process

5 The goal is to support planning and decision-making
9/25/2012 Effective Dashboards Dashboards that effectively communicate strategic-level results: Should be presented in a user-friendly visual format: Create a “snapshot” of current status as well as trends over time Clearly show performance against defined targets Highlight out-of-the-ordinary results Include a manageable set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The goal is to support planning and decision-making

6 What Should We Measure? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
9/25/2012 What Should We Measure? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Successful KPIs will: Represent business model drivers Reflect progress toward intended outcomes Guide priorities and decisions (“what gets measured gets done”) The “Key” in KPIs is important: limit total KPIs to a number that can realistically be monitored A set of KPIs isn’t forever: metrics should be periodically reassessed

7 Business Model Drives KPIs
Strat egic Goals Sourc es of Reve nue Expe nse Struct ure Progr am Deliv ery Mode l -

8 Sources of Revenue What type of revenue drives the business model? How reliable/predictable are these revenue streams? Contributed Individual donations Foundation / corporate contributions Special events Earned Fee for service Program fees Sales Government Reimbursement grants Performance contracts

9 Other Business Model Drivers to Explore
What are the key cost categories to watch? What aspects of program delivery are driving results? Human capital Enrollment levels Facilities Member, subscriber, or customer engagement Supplies / Inventory Process efficiencies

10 Dashboard Examples

11 KPIs for the entire organization One or more priority areas
Dashboard Focus KPIs for the entire organization One or more priority areas OR

12 In a Board Financial Package…
9/25/2012 In a Board Financial Package… A dashboard complements financial reports without replacing them Management Narrative Balance Sheet Budget vs. Actuals Year-end Projections Cash Flow Projections Performance Dashboard Webinar Recording: Understanding What Financial Model Your Board Needs:

13 Dashboard: Early Education Program
This multi-service organization provides a range of youth-based programs for the community it serves, including an early childhood education program. Revenue for this program is a mix of government contracts and tuition/program fees. Key Driver: Enrollment Levels Key Performance Indicators 1. Monitor the program’s Operating Surplus (Deficit) 2. Track Program Enrollment and attendance 3. Track revenue from Program Fees

14 Dashboard: Early Childhood Education Program

15 Zooming in: Early Childhood Education Program

16 Dashboard: Community Health Clinic
Designated as an FQHC, this Community Health Clinic offers medical, dental, and behavioral health services to the rural population it serves. Revenue sources are a mix of patient fees, Medicare/Medicaid, and payments from private insurers. Key Driver: Operational Efficiency Key Performance Indicators 1. Monitor the Operating Surplus (Deficit) by business line 2. Track Access to Capital, including reserves, cash flow, and debt levels 3. Analyze the efficiency of the Revenue Cycle 4. Track the Cost per Patient Visit


18 Zooming in: Community Health Clinic
9/25/2012 Zooming in: Community Health Clinic

19 Dashboard: Homeownership Nonprofit
This Community Development Organization increases homeownership rates by making low-interest loans, providing credit counseling, educating first-time homebuyers, and rehabbing dilapidated properties. Revenue is a mix of earned income and government contracts. Key Challenge: Achieving revenue self-sufficiency for each business line Key Performance Indicators 1. Track Cost per Customer for each business line 2. Track the Profitability (i.e. surplus/deficit) of each business line 3. Monitor Earned Revenue by business line

20 Dashboard: Homeownership Organization

21 Zooming In: Homeownership Organization
Key Strategic Question: What defines success for the lending business line? Is it meeting or exceeding the sustainability goal that has been set?

22 Dashboard: Performing Arts Nonprofit
With a mission of making dance more accessible to the public, this organization has both a dance company and a school. Their goal is to increase revenue so they can afford to hold more free performances for the community. Key Challenges: Optimizing pricing and maximizing attendance Key Performance Indicators 1. Analyze Median Revenue per Performance 2. Monitor Enrollment in the summer workshop series 3. Track the Retention Rate at the academy 4. Monitor the Percentage of Performance Weeks where they are able to offer a free public show

23 Dashboard: Performing Arts Organization

24 Dashboard: Fundraising
This community-based organization works in the areas of literacy, youth, and advocacy. It is funded primarily by restricted foundation grants, with some additional income provided by individual donors and board members. Key Performance Indicators 1. Track restricted funding raised by program and the Gap still to be Raised 2. Track progress toward Individual Donor revenue goals, by category 3. Monitor rate of Board Member Giving

25 Dashboard: Fundraising
9/25/2012 Dashboard: Fundraising

26 Zooming In: Fundraising Dashboard
9/25/2012 Zooming In: Fundraising Dashboard Make these black

27 Jumpstarting dashboard development

28 Creating & Implementing Dashboards
9/25/2012 Creating & Implementing Dashboards Start with the Big Picture Start Understand the target audience for the dashboard: is it the Board? Leadership? Program managers? Explore and understand your organization’s business model drivers Determine KPIs in an inclusive, team-based process Begin to cultivate a culture of data driven decision-making at your organization

29 Creating & Implementing Dashboards
9/25/2012 Creating & Implementing Dashboards Put your Dashboard Plan into Action Start Create a cross-functional team around data at your organization Define accountability for each data point being measured Set parameters about who will maintain and update the dashboard and how often it will be updated Develop the data analytics skill set of staff Choose an appropriate platform for dashboard reporting


31 Resources

32 9/25/2012 Resources Why Financial Dashboards Matter, and Five Pointers to Get You Started, Neela Pal, FMA, Forbes, How Hands On Atlanta Uses a Dashboard to Track Progress and Reach Its Goals, The Bridgespan Group. Performance Measurement: Getting Results, Harry P. Hatry, Urban Institute, A Nonprofit Dashboard and Signal Light for Boards, Jeanne Bell and Jan Masaoka, Blue Avocado. center/Resources-for-Financial-Management/Pages/A-Nonprofit-Dashboard-and-Signal- Light-for-Boards.aspx Slide looks plain

33 Online Tutorials for
FMA offers complimentary orientation one-hour webinars that feature an overview of the website and drill down on several of its key resources Upcoming webinar dates: February 18 at 2:00pm (EST) April 20 at 3:00pm (EST) To register, or see upcoming webinar dates: For a 15-minute, on-demand webinar tour:

34 Resources and Links For access to NPQ’s other webinars:
To subscribe to NPQ’s quarterly magazine:

35 Fiscal Management Associates, LLC
9/25/2012 Fiscal Management Associates, LLC Established in 1999 to serve not-for-profit organizations around the country Provides customized financial management, accounting, software, organizational development, human resources, and other consulting services Works directly with organizations or through funder-supported management assistance programs FMA's mission is to empower not-for-profit organizations with the knowledge and skills to successfully serve their constituents and fulfill their missions @FMA4Nonprofits Hilda Polanco, CPA, CCSA®, CGMA New York | Chicago | San Francisco | LA /FiscalManagementAssociates

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