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Clonal Growth in Carex Pilosa 30.5.2013Group 7. 1  Clonal Growth ◦ Vegetative reproduction ◦ Genetic identical ramets ◦ Modular Growth as adaption to.

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1 Clonal Growth in Carex Pilosa 30.5.2013Group 7

2 1  Clonal Growth ◦ Vegetative reproduction ◦ Genetic identical ramets ◦ Modular Growth as adaption to different environment and conditions

3  Division of Labour  diversity and complexity of plants  high flexibility 2

4 Clonal Growth  Advantages ◦ Division of Labour  Plant profits of a heterogenic environment!  Disadvantages ◦ Reduced genetic variation ◦ Diseases ◦ Rivalry between generations 3

5 What is the growth strategy of Carex pilosa?  How is it affected by light conditions?Methods vs. 4 1, 2, 3, 4, …

6 5

7 6

8 Total no shoot clusters23248 Total length rhizomes (cm)9106866 Total number branches29242 Mean diameter (mm)1.381.42 Mean no nodes / 10 cm9.838.66 Rhizome length / cluster (cm)39.627.7 Rhizome branches / cluster1.260.98 7 << = = >> Growth Strategy

9 8  Growth strategy ◦ Total number of cluster: Sun >>> Shade  sunny conditions are preferred ◦ Rhizome length/cluster and rhizome branching/cluster: Sun << Shade  strategy to survive in shady conditions

10  Thank you for your attention  Questions? 9

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