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“MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS: WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW & WHAT WE HAVE FORGOTTEN” Edward J. Cancio The University of Toledo & Woody Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "“MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS: WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW & WHAT WE HAVE FORGOTTEN” Edward J. Cancio The University of Toledo & Woody Johnson."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Are Level/Point Systems?  When used appropriately, a level system is a comprehensive, data-based classroom management system that consists of a hierarchy of skills & behaviors students are expected to master. It is a tiered program in which students earn high degrees of privileges & freedom as they advance through the levels of the system. Greater amounts of specific appropriate behaviors are required as a student progresses through the system. Consequently, the level system shapes appropriate behavior by systematically teaching it. In this process, students earn access to new privileges & freedoms as they learn & demonstrate an increased ability to handle them successfully. (Rhode, Jenson, & Reavis, 2010)

3 What Are Level/Point Systems?  A staff awards points for prosocial behavior on a point sheet which lists a series of target behaviors.  Students earn their way through a succession of levels based on demonstrating consistent prosocial behavior.  As students move through these levels the expectations for appropriate behavior increases.  Students can access desired privileges associated with each level.  Many exemplary programs for students with EBD utilize level systems.

4 Rationale for Level/Point Systems  When implemented effectively they provide fair & consistent order.  Provide teachers & staff with a clear structure for effectively utilizing descriptive instructional praise & corrective teaching.  They assist in generalizing prosocial behavior from special education to inclusive settings.  Shape behavior & increase self-sufficiency (“build responsibility”).  Restore students lost hope.  Provides opportunities for teachers to evaluate student behavior more frequently.

5 Rationale for Level/Point Systems  Sets the stage for frequent effective praise.  Allows students to see cause & effects for their behavior & consequences.  Between their prosocial behavior & the consequences they receive.  They see their choices, were the cause of the consequences they received, not the actions of adults.

6 Advantages of A Level System  Classroom rules are explicit.  Data for monitoring & evaluating student progress are built into the system.  Students receive consistent feedback about their performance.  Classroom privileges & reinforcement are contingent on explicit & well-defined performance expectations.

7 Advantages of A Level System  The system is used as a shaping & generalization tool to prepare students to be successful in other settings.  Behavior change is systematic, with prerequisite skills first taught.  The system can be very powerful in changing the behavior of students, even the most challenging behavioral problems (Rhode, Jenson, & Reavis, 2010)

8 History of Level/Point Systems  The engineered classroom was one of the first documented attempts to assess the effectiveness of a level system with students with EBD (Hewett, 1968).  Seven goals associated with skills necessary for success in schools & academic learning.  This basic model was expanded with the Madison School Plan (Taylor et al., 1972).  Students progressed through four levels with the fourth level being placed in a general education classroom.  This was the first documented use of a levels system in which the stated goal was self-management & the generalization of treatment gains into another setting.

9 History of Level/Point Systems  With the Achievement Place model Phillips, Phillips, Fixen, and Wolf (1974) developed a level system at a residential treatment program for youth offenders.  Different schedules of reinforcement were associated with each level.  Level systems used throughout the years have included many of the characteristics of the:  Engineered Classroom  The Madison School Plan  Achievement Place model

10 Development of a Level/Point System 1. Identifying target behaviors that the point/level system will include & developing point sheets to monitor these behaviors; 2. Developing a time frame for providing feedback; 3. Determining the point value for each target behavior; 4. Developing a continuum of levels to indicate progress students are making; 5. Criteria for moving up & down levels;

11 Development of a Level/Point System 6. Selecting the rewards & privileges associated with each level; 7. Determining when students can have access to backup reinforcers; 8. How much will each reinforcer cost; 9. How to keep track of points earned or spent; and 10. Developing a procedure to monitor students progress & system evaluation.

12 Prompt & Ready  Students must be prepared for class by having all materials ready (pen/pencil, paper, books, etc.) homework completed, & ready to learn.  Students must show up for class “On Time” (This means sitting at your desk, coat hung up properly, & all items not related to the class put away).  Students must have their homework for the day ready to be “checked in “at the beginning of each day.

13 Handling Conflict Behavior  Compliance  Ignoring negative behaviors  Accepting constructive criticism  Compromising  Staying out of conflicts  Controlling anger  Displaying prosocial interaction skills  Respecting individual differences Example Listen to & follow staff members directions Ignoring peers inappropriate behaviors Accepting corrections from staff Coming to an agreement over a situation Both physical & verbal fighting Using anger control techniques With staff & peers Age, race, religion, appearance, etc.

14 Positive Attitude Behavior  Cooperation  Accept Responsibility  Making appropriate statements about self & others  Being helpful & assisting others Example With staff & peers For actions & reactions alike Verbally & nonverbally which includes body language With staff & peers throughout entire school

15 Appropriate Language Behavior  Interact with staff & peers appropriately  Use of appropriate language Example Talking with a positive tone & respectfully Refraining from teasing, name calling, antagonizing, & derogatory comments

16 Academic Work Behavior Quality Quantity On-task Homework Example Demonstration & honest effort with every assignment All classroom assignments must be completed in the allotted time Using classroom time effectively & appropriately Completed & must be turned in on time

17 Target Behavior  A target behavior is a specified positive behavior that meets your individual needs in becoming the best possible student that you can be.

18 Score Sheet Phase 1 Student:Week of: SubjectHandling Conflict Positive Attitude Appropriate Language Academic Work BonusTotal Prompt & Ready Prompt & Ready Prompt & Ready Prompt & Ready Prompt & Ready




22 ActivityPoints Listen to IPod Read a book Go to library & select a book Computer time Board games Card games Drawing Teacher helper Homework Pass Playing board game with teacher 450 600 750 1000 Reinforcer Menu





27 Criteria for Moving Up Levels  Level 1 to Level 2 – 6 weeks of earning 70% of possible points. 3 of the weeks being consecutive.  Level 2 to Level 3 – 7 weeks of earning 80% of possible points. Four of the weeks being consecutive.  Level 3 to Level 4 – 8 weeks of earning 85% of possible points. Five of the weeks being consecutive.  Level 4 to reintegration – 5 weeks of earning 90% of possible points. Three of the weeks being consecutive.

28 Level 1Level 2Level 3

29 Moving-Down Levels  It is important that students know they can loose privileges by violating the rights of others.  Move down a level when students has not reached criteria for a specific period.  Students will move down a level for serious infractions.  Movement down a level system will generally be effective when it is associated with a student being able to regain the higher level after changing their behavior after a reasonable amount of time.  Typically you should not move a student down more than one level for inappropriate behavior.  Movements down a level should never be the sole response to serious violations of behavior standards.

30 What Students Need to Know About a Point/Level System  What behaviors are required  What are the backup reinforcers  The cost of each backup reinforcer  When tokens/points can be exchanged for the backup reinforcers


32 Challenges to Effective Implementation  Teacher Perception & Attitudes  Focuses on segregation  Teacher takes control of the student behavior * We feel these views are due to an incomplete or faulty understanding of the intended purposes of a level system.

33 Challenges to Effective Implementation  Level systems are not individualized  Level systems are only one aspect of effective EBD programs. Effective programs include:  An appropriate curriculum & sound empirically-based instructional practices  Data-based decision-making  Following through on effective FBA & BIPS  Comprehensive social skills program  A physical classroom environment that is conducive to learning

34 Other Challenges to Effective Point/Level Systems  Misuses & Misapplications of Level Systems:  Overuse of punishment & negative consequences;  Absence of positive therapeutic teacher-student relationships;  Progressing students through levels too rapidly & the effects of schedule strain;  Use of unclear target behaviors;  Students who are difficult to motivate; and  Inconsistent program implementation.

35 Strengths of Point/Level System  Provide fair & consistent order.  Restore students’ lost hope.  Provides adults with a clear structure for effectively reinforcing & utilizing corrective teaching.  Utilized to generalize skills acquired in the EBD classroom to other environments.

36 Conclusions  A behavioral level system should be viewed as a teaching, shaping, fading, & generalization system instead of a response cost punishment system.  Level systems work only when the rules & expectations for moving up & down the levels are objective.  Level systems force teachers to evaluate ongoing behaviors & reinforce more frequently.  Level systems provide built in accountability for both academic & social behaviors.  When used extensively a level system must have multiple levels so a student always has something to work towards.  Well-designed level systems give students feedback about how well they are doing in the program.

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