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THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT Honorable Timothy M. Kenny Presiding Judge – Criminal Division Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan 1.

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Presentation on theme: "THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT Honorable Timothy M. Kenny Presiding Judge – Criminal Division Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT Honorable Timothy M. Kenny Presiding Judge – Criminal Division Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan 1

2 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT WHAT ARE YOU REWARDING?  Accomplishments  Good Choices  Independence 2


4 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT REWARDED ACHIEVEMENTS  GED  Sustained Employment  Part time  Full Time Employment  Academic Achievement  Community College  Vocational Training 4

5 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT REWARDED ACHIEVEMENTS  Volunteering at Major Events  Health Fair  Fund Raiser Events  Healthy Lifestyle Achievements  Weight-loss goals achieved 5

6 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT REWARDS  Reduced Court Costs  GED Completion  Vocational Achievement  “Participant of the Month Recognition”  Peer Selected  Travel permits 6

7 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT REWARDS  Participation in Special Programs  Master Gardner 7

8 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT SANCTIONS  Give Advance Notice  Attention Getting  Proportionate to the Infraction  Consistent Enforcement 8

9 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT SANCTIONS  Increased Reporting  Probation  Case Manager  Court  Increased Drug/Alcohol Testing  Alternative Work Force  Jail 9

10 THIRD CIRCUIT COURT MENTAL HEALTH COURT Honorable Timothy M. Kenny Presiding Judge – Criminal Division Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan 10

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