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Uk Medical University. I. Kovalchuk Chair Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry Inflammatory periodontal disease tissue. Papilit. Gingivitis. Etiology. Pathogenesis,

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Presentation on theme: "Uk Medical University. I. Kovalchuk Chair Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry Inflammatory periodontal disease tissue. Papilit. Gingivitis. Etiology. Pathogenesis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uk Medical University. I. Kovalchuk Chair Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry Inflammatory periodontal disease tissue. Papilit. Gingivitis. Etiology. Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

2 Papilit - inflammation of gingival papilla. Gingivitis - an inflammation of the gums, caused by unfavorable effect of local and general factors and proceeds without breach of teeth-gingival connection. Form: catarrhal, hypertrophic, ulcerative. Complexity of the process: light, medium, hard. Leakage: acute, chronic, exacerbation, remission. Prevalence process: localized, generalized.

3 A. Gingivitis is caused by dental plaque. 1. Gingivitis, which is associated exclusively with dental plaque:? A) no other local factors b) strengthening of local factors 2. Systematically reinforced gingivitis:? A) endocrine factors - Pubescent gingivitis - In connection with the menstrual cycle - In connection with pregnancy - Due to diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) b) in connection with hematologic diseases 3. Gingivitis caused by medication: a) hypertrophy of the gums caused by medicines b) gingivitis caused by medicines c) oral contraceptives 4. Gingivitis is caused by insufficient and / or malnutrition: a) lack of ascorbic acid

4 B. gingivitis, is caused by dental plaque 1. Gingivitis is caused by specific bacterial infections a) infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae b) infected with Treponema pallidum c) infected with Streptococcus spp. d) other 2. Gingivitis due to specific viral infections a) infected with herpes 1) Primary Gingivostomatitis herpetics 2) recurrent oral herpes 3) infection with Varicella-Zoster b) infected with other viruses 3. Gingivitis is caused by specific fungal infections a) infected with Candida spp. 1) gingival candidiasis? 2) linear gingival erythema






10  Causal treatment is to identify and reduce local input factors: plaque, tartar, caries cavities, faults and sealing prosthesis. That patient provides professional cleaning of teeth and teach proper oral care. Pathogenetic therapy is the medicinal effects of pathophysiological levels of inflammatory process taking into account the nature of treatment and intensity of inflammation. When choosing a medical mullion is necessary to consider the phase of inflammation and mechanism of action of the drug. The purpose of symptomatic treatment is the elimination of symptoms of periodontal disease (pain, cosmetic defect, breath), is always combined with pathogenic and etiotropic treatment.

11 Application mullion having cytotoxic effect: befunhin, prospidyn, neotsyd, celandine, Vagothyl, maraslavin, 40-60% glucose solution, 10% calcium gluconate solution. Surface sklerotyzatsiya-input solutions in gingival pocket. Deep sklerotyzatsiya - input solutions directly to the gingival papilla.

12 1. Disinfection (0.1 -0.2% solution chlorheksidine) 2. Anesthesia 3. Marking point cut 4. Incision 5. Removing tissue 6. Skeylinh and smoothing the root surface 7. The formation of gingival edge 8. Treatment of wounds 9. Gingival surgical bandage.




16 Thank you!

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