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The Slave Trade.

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1 The Slave Trade

2 Brief History of Slavery
Slavery can be traced back to the beginning of civilization (around 4000 BC.) Ancient kingdoms would enslave those whom they defeated in battle. Slavery was not limited to Africans. We have records of people of every race as slaves.

3 Brief History of Slavery
Here is a brief timeline covering when nations across the globe abolished slavery Russia Portugal England (except colonies), completely in 1807 France Germany The United States Though illegal, slavery still exists today

4 The African Slave Trade
Slavery in Africa operated much the same way as in ancient times. African tribes enslaved those whom they conquered in battle Those Africans would sell their fellow Africans to the European slave traders.

5 Where the slaves went

6 The Middle Passage Once sold to the trader, slaves were tightly packed into the hull of a trader’s ship. They would not leave this place for up to 12 weeks.

7 The Middle Passage This journey from Africa to the New World was known as the Middle Passage. It is estimated that between 25-50% of slaves died either during the Middle Passage or because of it.

8 Arriving in America If you survive the journey, the slaves are placed in a holding cell until auction.

9 Auction The slave traders would advertise their sale in local papers.

10 Auction The slave would be stripped naked and placed on a stage for auction, where buyers would inspect them like animals.

11 Consequences of slavery
Beyond the obvious loss of freedom, what are some of the other results of slavery?

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