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Attitudes that Hinder Growth. Optimism Looking for the best in a given situation Confidence, assurance, faith, hope, even providence Phil. 4:13, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Attitudes that Hinder Growth. Optimism Looking for the best in a given situation Confidence, assurance, faith, hope, even providence Phil. 4:13, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attitudes that Hinder Growth

2 Optimism Looking for the best in a given situation Confidence, assurance, faith, hope, even providence Phil. 4:13, etc.

3 Pessimism The attitude that everything tends toward the worst possible outcome One who says you can’t win, it can’t be done, “what’s the use”, despair and hopelessness. The attitude of the quitter. Satan works well with the pessimist and keeps us from going on to perfection!

4 Pessimism in the Bible An attitude not pleasing to God Israel approaching the Red Sea ( Ex. 14:10-12 ) The 10 spies refusing to enter Canaan The Israelites vs. Goliath ( 1 Sam. 17 )

5 Pessimism in the Bible An attitude not pleasing to God The one talent servant ( Matt. 24:14-30 ) The critics of Jesus, refusing to consider His claims, looking for the worst ( Matt. 11:16-19 ) His disciples and the resurrection ( John 20:11-15, 24-25, Luke 24:19- 24,… )

6 Pessimism in the Bible The verses previously discussed show this attitude is wrong. Paul dealing with life - 2 Cor. 4:7-10

7 Worry Anxiety and uneasiness. Dwelling on problems, difficulties and what MIGHT happen (or has happened) It can cause one to not act for fear of consequences. Health concerns, how we act toward others, consuming our time, rob us of joy and peace, hinder our prayers.

8 Worry The thorny soil, “cares” Luke 8:14 Martha, Luke 10:38-42

9 Worry Matthew 6:25-34 “Do not worry”, 25, 31, 34 Unnecessary – God provides, 32 We can’t change the situation, 27

10 Worry Matthew 6:25-34 Worldly, 32 Lack of faith, 30

11 Worry There is a time for genuine concern, but we should still avoid worry, Be anxious for nothing, Philippians 4:6-7

12 Doubt Uncertainty, a lack of confidence Seeing an unlikely result Affects ones prayers Underperformance for lack of confidence Failure to trust God Failure to trust others Believes he cannot change for the better

13 Doubt Affects our relationship with God Hebrews 11:6 James 1:5-7 (1 Tim. 2:8) Do we question the power of God? Cf. Philippians 4:13 Do we question His word (cf. Acts 20:32)

14 Doubt Affects our beliefs in others Can we turn to our brethren? Rom. 12:10, 1 Thess. 5:11 Do we assume best of them (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:6)

15 Doubt Affects our beliefs in others Paul had confidence in his brethren Philemon 21 2 Thess. 3:4 Galatians 5:10 2 Corinthians 8:22

16 Doubt Can affects beliefs in ourselves Too many dwell on skeletons, misfortunes, etc. We cannot dwell on the past Philippians 3:13-14 Luke 9:62 Consider Paul – 1 Timothy 1:12- 15, 1 Corinthians 15:10

17 Doubt There are times to question things Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1 Such is no excuse or justification for a doubtful disposition! Doubt shows a lack of faith!

18 Are you where you ought to be? If not, BELIEVE you can do better! And do it! Jude 20-21

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