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Religious Conviction and Art

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1 Religious Conviction and Art

2 objectives Explain why during the Christian era, art shifts from earlier Greek and Roman traditions of realism toward a strong use of symbols. Understand that under Justinian, the Byzantine empire moved to the East in 527 AD and that the emperor was extremely influential in fostering the art of his reign. Comprehend that during the seventh century, the rival faith of Islam, which began in Arabia, spread rapidly to the Near East and the southern Mediterranean Describe Islamic art and explain why it relied heavily on geometric and abstract forms. Understand that early medieval art was made largely by nomadic tribes until Charlemagne fostered a revival of Classical culture in the late 8th and early 9th centuries.

3 Early Christian art Define the following words: Diptych Catacombs
Atrium Nave Apse Baldachin Transept Crypts Rotunda Sarcophagus

4 Early Christian Art Look at and study the following pieces:
The Archangel Michael 5th century Ivory The Good Shepard ceiling fresco early 4th century Typical basilica outline/ plan St. Apollinare in Classe Ravenna The Good Shepard 3rd century Marble sculpture Chalice of Antioch silver and gilt Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 359 Marble

5 Early Christian Art Questions
Name an early Christian symbol and tell what it represented. Where were the earliest Christian frescoes painted? What is a diptych? What type of Roman buildings did the early Christians adapt to become churches? WHY? How were basilicas decorated on the inside? Contrast this to their exterior appearance. What was the purpose of a sarcophagus? Describe how Christ was portrayed in Early Christian Art.

6 Byzantine art Warm up- if you wanted to create a shimmering, heavenly light inside a church, what kind of building materials do you think you’d employ?

7 Byzantine Art Vocabulary: Tesserae Pendentives Piers Icons Iconostasis

8 Byzantine Art Research the following: Interior of the San Vitale
Emperor Justinian and Attendants 547 Mosaic Empress Theodora and Attendants 547 Mosaic Hagia Sophia (compare to the Pantheon) What is sixth century known as? Plan of 6th century churchs Christ Between the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist 1261 (compare to earlier Roman mosaics) Cathedral of St Basil 1554 Moscow St. Marks 1063 Venice Enthroned Madonna and Child 13th century Egg tempera on panel Harbaville Triptych (Christ enthroned with Saints) 950 Ivory

9 Byzantine Art How are the figures stylized in Emperor Justinian and Attendants? Analyze how the artist has made Theodora the center of attention in the mosaic Empress Theodora and Attendants. Where is the Hagia Sophia located? What was extraordinary about it’s construction? What did the iconoclasts want to destroy? Name the largest, most ornate church of the Second Golden Age of Byzantium. From where did the horses over the entrance of Saint Marks Cathedral in Venice come from? Describe the roof of the Cathedral of St. Basil in Moscow. What is an icon?

10 Islamic Faith and Art Vocab: Arabesque Stucco Mosque Minarets

11 Islamic Faith and Art Research: The Alhambra
Court of the Lions, Alhambra Dome of the Rock Great Mosque, Damascus Album of the Conqueror, 15th century Turkey Laila and Majnun at School

12 Islamic Faith and Art Define arabesque.
Describe the Alhambra. What part of the Alhambra’s architecture is the most famous? What other civilization have we seen that has similar famous animals? There are two main ones…. What is a mosque? Why is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem important to both Christians and Moslems? What were some of the characteristics of Islamic book illustration?

13 Early Medieval Art Vocab: Illumination Vellum Manuscript

14 Early Medieval Art Research: Early middle ages
Lindisfarne Gospels- Chi Rho page Illuminated manuscript Migration art Classical Revival under Charlemagne Purse Cover, 7th century, gold, garnets, glass Monastic life St. Matthew the Evangelist 800 Gospel Book miniature on parchment Saint Matthew the Evangelist 835 Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims

15 Early Medieval Art When was the medieval period?
Why were nomadic tribes able to move so freely through Europe during the Middle Ages? Name the main types of art produced during the Middle Ages? Which medieval king revived an interest in Greek and Roman art? How are the Lindisfarne Gospel and the Sutton Hoo purse cover similar? What was the name of Charlemagne’s chapel? What city is it in? Compare the size of both St. Matthew illuminations. How are they similar? How are they different? List at least three ways for each.

16 Unit Review- Questions
Describe the early Christian basilicas. Draw a basilica floor plan. Are you aware of any modern day churches that have this layout? Describe a typical Eastern European church built in the Second Golden Age of Byzantium. Name one way that Roman and Byzantine mosaics differ. List several characteristics of Byzantine painting as exemplified in Enthroned Madonna and Child. How did iconoclasts change the development of Byzantine Art? What is a pendentive? Include an illustration in your answer. What material did Islamic artists use to decorate the arches in the Court of the Lion at the Alhambra?

17 Short Answer (these questions must be answered with a minimum of three sentences.
List several ways that Early Christian Art differed from Classical Greek Art. How did the Edict of Milan affect architecture? Compare the Roman copy of the Greek painting “The Battle of Issus” to “Emperor Justinian and Attendants”. Discuss medium, location and style. Which of the illuminated manuscripts you have seen impresses you the most? Why? What does is have that makes it the best?

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