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Organize Study Skills.

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1 Organize Study Skills

2 Which of the following apply to you?
Have you ever brought the wrong notebook or folder to class or home for homework? Have you ever misplaced a homework assignment that you know you did? When you look inside your bag and locker, is there a sea of randomly stashed papers staring back at you? Do you have a hard time keeping your room neat and organized? Do you ever feel rushed and frustrated getting ready for school?

3 Organization For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.
Organization is the foundation of achieving success in school. Organizing skills can be learned and developed over time. Anyone can learn organization strategies. YOU can be an organized person!

4 Organize Your Papers Do any of these apply to you?
I know I did my homework, but I can’t find it now. Oh, no! I brought my science notebook home instead of my math notebook. My bag is so heavy, sometimes I think my back will break. My spiral notebooks get caught on everything. I get so many papers and don’t have any time to put them away, so they all fall to the bottom of my bag and get crushed.

5 Organize Your Papers Most students simply have too much “stuff” to deal with. (1 notebook, 1 folder per class=16 together) Condense! SOAR Binder System 1-1 ½ inch binder for all classes 1 pocket plastic folders/dividers Labels for each folder and binder pocket Loose-leave notebook paper Home filing system Travels with you everywhere

6 How do I create a SOAR Binder?
Get and stay organized! 20-30 sheets of paper behind the last folder at the back of the binder Label your folders! Front binder pocket- Homework (To do/organize) Back binder pocket- Miscellaneous (Other)

7 How do I create a home filing system?
Label 1 file folder for each class. Store file folders in a safe and specific place at home. Store binder overflow in these file folders Empty binder 1-2 times a quarter. Save any returned papers here.

8 How do I use the SOAR Binder System?
Never put loose papers inside your backpack! Instead, slide them in the FRONT pocket of your binder and put them in their correct places later. Complete homework in its class pocket Hole-punched notes and other papers behind their class pockets Keep your binder easily accessible throughout the day.

9 How do I use the SOAR Binder System?
Put ALL papers that need your attention at home or later in the front pocket of your binder. Unfinished homework papers Unpunched notes Notes for parents Forms that need to be signed Papers you need to leave at home Etc.

10 How do I use the SOAR Binder System?
Use the back pocket of the binder for miscellaneous (other) items. Papers not related to a specific class that may need to be quickly referenced Needed, unclassifiable papers Possibly keep the following in your binder: Planner Red pen Blue/black pen Pencil Highlighter White out Eraser Flat three-hole-punch Hole reinforcement stickers

11 Using Your Binder at Home
Put any stray papers (should be in the front pocket) into or behind their correct folders BEFORE you do anything else. After finishing homework pages, immediately put them away in their correct folders. Clean out your binder 1 to 2 times per quarter (possibly after a group of tests). Do not throw any papers away. You may need them to study for future tests and exams.

12 Random Information CBA teachers will allow you to use this system.
Your papers will fit if you clean out your binder 1-2 times (or more) a quarter. Your binder is NOT for storing spiral notebooks (other than your planner)! If a teacher must collect a notebook, ask him/her if you can staple loose-leaf papers together. (I actually prefer this because this cuts on bulk when I am grading.)

13 Cluttered Spaces=Cluttered Minds
Messy spaces are overwhelming and distracting and facilitate the loss of homework. A place for everything and everything in its place Have a specific, designated space for all of your belongings Perhaps not perfectly clean, but control when managing your things

14 Mission Control: Your Room
Your central space from which you organize your life Affects your school work An organized room provides for efficiency In homework completion, In getting ready for school, and In controlling your life.

15 Steps to an Organized Room
1. Remove stuff you don’t need- decluttering 4 boxes or bags Trash Donations Storage (for things stored somewhere else in the house) Be sure to label your boxes for storage. Somewhere else box- deliver things all at once

16 Steps to an Organized Room
2. Gather similar items together to help identify a logical home for them. 3. Find a place for everything—especially you school supplies and home filing system. This will enable you to keep your room organized.

17 Tips to an Organized Room
Don’t forget the space under your bed (in storage containers). Use the tops of tall bookcases and dressers Look up! Use closet shelves. Put things inside of other things (i.e. sleeping bags in suitcases).

18 Tips for an Organized Room
Use a bulletin board to post pictures, notes, and mementos. Trunks are great for storing big items and seating. Use plastic crates, shelves, and drawers to store things.

19 Organize your Study Space
Minimize distractions. Keep your supplies near you. Pens Pencils Stapler Three-hole-punch Paper Dictionary/Thesaurus Grammar guide Schoolbooks Binder Planner Etc.

20 Organize your Study Space
Make your space comfortable.- Decorate! Keep lighting and temperature at comfortable levels. Don’t use harsh fluorescent light bulbs. Play baroque music to help you concentrate. Only as background noise. Do NOT play music that you will want to sing to or fall asleep to.

21 Organize your Locker Keep trash out! Store your morning books flat.
Stand your afternoon books upright. Label the spines of your books. Place books for homework at the bottom of your locker (separate from everything else).

22 Organize your Book Bag Use your binder to keep your papers in order.
Check your planner before you leave to make sure you have everything you need in your book bag.

23 Conclusion Keep your belongings under control.
You don’t need to be a neat freak. Organization will save you time throughout your life.

24 Organizing your Time 24 hours
Develop routines (things you do regularly). Do something 7-21 times to make it a habit. Use your planner every day!- Record everything. Initiate weekend meetings with your parents to plan your week, gather supplies, and talk through the week’s events.

25 Organize your Time Avoid rushed and chaotic mornings.
Prepare before you go to bed. All your papers and books should be in your binder and back pack. Double-check your planner. Gather all your school gear. Put your bag by the door. Pick out your clothes.

26 Maximize your Time Take advantage of “down time” in school.
Time between class Time after finishing a quiz or test Study hall Use the time to review your notes, finish homework, plan your evening, or read a book.

27 Maximize your Time Use the bus ride.
Do your homework as early as possible. Take only a short break before starting. Do NOT turn on the TV, radio, computer (unless needed for school), phone, etc. before finishing your homework. The hours of 3-6 are the most poorly used hours of the day.

28 Organize Summary Organizing skills are learned.
The SOAR Binder System is a simple solution for keeping notes, assignments, and all school-related materials in one convenient location. Clutter creates a distracting environment. Create more time for “fun stuff” in your life by redeeming wasted time.

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