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Comic strip & Welcome to the unit. Can you tell me something about the following pictures? Free Talk.

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Presentation on theme: "Comic strip & Welcome to the unit. Can you tell me something about the following pictures? Free Talk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

2 Can you tell me something about the following pictures? Free Talk

3 deaf a ______ person Have you noticed them? /def/

4 Have you noticed them? a _______ persondisabled /dis`eibld/

5 an ______ personelderly Have you noticed them?

6 homeless a _______ person Have you noticed them?

7 blind a ______ person Have you noticed them? /ai/

8 A)Please write down the correct names under the picture of page 93 People who need help

9 If a person is___________, a part of his/her body does not work properly. An ______ person means an old person. A _______ person can’t see. A _______ person cannot hear. A ________ person has no home. disabled elderly blind deaf homeless Fill in the blanks.Read quickly.

10 the disabled people How can we help them? the poor people the blind people the homeless people the elderly people the deaf people Let’s discuss.

11 B) Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 1. When we see the ___________________, we can help them cross the road. 2. If we see the ______________, we can help them go upstairs. 3. We can give ______________ some food and clothes. We can also teach them how to make themselves rich. blind (elderly) people disabled people the poor people

12 4.When we meet the _____________ on the bus, we should give seats to them. 5. When we see some ____ people, we mustn’t laugh at them. We can talk to them with pens. 6. We can help ________ people go back to their hometowns. deaf homeless elderly people

13 Charity walks

14 Do you know the goal of charity walk? A charity walk is one of the most popular charity activities. It is usually held by Oxfam, a famous charity organization. The goal of the activity is to raise money for the people in need. All the volunteers of these activities should try their best to finish several kilometers’ walk on foot. Since 1985, more than 50,000 people have attended these activities, including some pop stars. It has raised almost 2 hundred million Hong Kong dollars for the people in need. attend / ə`tend/ = take part in

15 What’s the goal of a charity walk? The goal of the activity is to raise money for the people in need. Please answer.

16 What does Hobo prefer to do ? A. to raise money for a charity B. to find more food for himself What does Hobo prefer to do ? A. To raise money for a charity B. To find more food for himself

17 1. What does Eddie think of charities? 2. What does Hobo need during the walk? 3. Eddie thought that Hobo couldn’t finish his walk, do you think so? Now let’s look at the comic strips. And answer the following questions.

18 1. What does Eddie think of charities? He thinks that it is meaningful to support charities.

19 2. What does Hobo need during the walk? 3. Eddie thought that Hobo couldn’t finish his walk, do you think so? He needs some more food.

20 Language points 1. train for sth. 为 …… 而训练 All the players are training for the 2012 Olympic Games. 2. it’s meaningful to do sth. 做某事有意义 It’s meaningful for us to help people in need.

21 4. 完成你的作业 ___________________ 5. 老年公寓 _______________________ 6. 画完这幅画 ______________________ 7. 在公共汽车上让座 _________________ 8. 需要帮助的人 ________________ finish your homework the home for the elderly finish drawing the picture give seats on the bus people in need

22 二. 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子 1. Eddie is not used to _______ (get) up early. 2. He is too tired ______ (go ) now. getting to go

23 3. Tom used to ______ (spend) less time ______ (do ) his homework. 4. Do you think _______ (healthy) care is very important, Amy? 5. My brother called Sam would like _______ (help) the poor children. spend doing health to help

24 More exercise 1. 让我们帮助那位老人搬箱子。 2. 我该怎么支持慈善事业呢? Let’s help that elderly man carrying the box. How can I do to support the charity?

25 3. 帮助那些无家可归的人是很有意义的。 4. 和他们一起参加慈善步行怎么样? 5. 我不认为他们能完成这项工作。 It’s meaningful to help those homeless people. I don’t think they can finish this job. How about taking part in the charity walk with them?

26 根据提示完成句子 1.We can help blind people ____________ ( 过马路 ). 2. We can help deaf people _____________ ( 学英语 ). 3. We can ______________________ ( 好好照顾 ) when homeless people are ill. cross the road learn English take good care of them

27 4. We can ________________ ( 给他们让座 ) when we see elderly people on the bus. 5. We can ___________________ ( 为他们募捐钱 ) when poor need our help. 6. We can ___________________ ( 向 他们伸出援助之手 ) when disabled people want to climb. give them seats raise money for them give them our hands

28 Homework 1. 记忆相关短语 2. 完成智能训练作业。


30 Make a dialogue like this: A: Have you seen blind people? B: Yes, I have. A: How can you help them? B: We can help them cross the road. A: What about homeless people? B: We can donate some things and money to them. A: How about elderly people? B: We can ……

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