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Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Isabella Freijah.

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Presentation on theme: "Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Isabella Freijah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Isabella Freijah

2 Digital Access This means that everyone should be able to have access to technology, no matter who they are and where they live. For everyone to be good citizens, everyone should have the same amount of access as anybody else.

3 Digital Commerce People need to understand that lots of marketing is done over computers or online. Buyers and sellers need to have an understanding about what they are selling or buying. Here are some examples of websites were you can buy stuff : E-bay and Amazon.

4 Digital Communication You can talk or contact people over the internet. Communication has changed so much because now you don’t have to write a letter, you could email, chat or text instead. But there is still a lot of communication which hasn’t been taught to everyone.

5 Digital Literacy This is learning and teaching other people how to use technology in many different ways. But not everything has been taught or learnt. New technology can help many people over the world, so it needs to be taught to everyone.

6 Digital Etiquette It is the way you use technology (as in a nice a polite way) Many people haven't learnt digital etiquette and therefore don’t know how to use it in a proper manner. People need to learn this so they can become a digital citizen.

7 Digital Law Digital law is defined as taking responsibility for you actions and going by the law of the Internet and society. In other words digital law is saying what you can and can’t do on the Internet. If you don't follow the rules there are major punishments. Not following the law is: Hacking into other peoples computers or accounts Downloading music illegally, making viruses, Stealing peoples identities, Software Piracy (stealing information which is private and information) Everyone should follow the law!

8 Digital Rights and Responsibilities Every digital citizen had rights and responsibilities. They have the right to do what ever they like to do with technology, but you are responsible for your own decisions and mistakes. They must understand how technology can be used in the proper way.

9 Digital Health and Wellness People need to be taught the dangers of using the certain technology. They need to be aware of : eye conditions and safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and internet addiction. You need to protect yourself from getting any of these problems.

10 Digital Security Like any other culture/society/group, there are bad guys (in this case thief and hackers). And you need to protect your computer by having a good password which you haven't told anyone. Making sure you have virus protection. You need to protect your information from people who might steal it and use it against you.

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