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Librarian: Ms. Jana Hunt Hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Clayton Yes Program 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Library Open.

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2 Librarian: Ms. Jana Hunt Hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Clayton Yes Program 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Library Open




6 Passes:  Required from a teacher during class time.   Not required before school. Policies:  Sign-in binder in front window (date, full name, purpose, teacher name, & time in/out).  Put pass in the basket.  No gum, food, or drinks in the library.

7 Check-out Policies:  You may check out two books at a time.  You may check out books for a two-week period.  You may renew books one extra time.  Return books in the return slot at the circulation desk. Fines:  Students will be charged 10 cents per school day for each overdue book.  Students with fines of $1.00 or more will not be able to check out more books until fine is paid.

8 Library Super Stars:  No overdues during the first month of check outs.  You may check out three books at a time.  You may check out books for a two-week period. Library All Stars:  No overdues during the first & second months of check outs.  You may check out four books at a time.  You may check out books for a two-week period.

9 Lost/Damaged books:  Students will be charged the replacement cost for a lost book.  If the book is found, the cost of the book will be refunded.  If a book is damaged and the librarian determines the book can no longer be circulated, the student will be charged the replacement cost for the book.  If a book is damaged but can be repaired, the student will be charged partial cost of the book. (Amount will be determined by the librarian.)

10 Overdue Notices:  Overdue notices will be delivered to ELA classes at mid six weeks & before the end of each six week period.  Students should be encouraged to return overdue books immediately so that fines will not increase.  Students should pay fines as soon as possible.  If a student is absent on the day a book is due, the student should return the book on the first day back at school and show the librarian their admit slip. Students will not be fined for the days absent.


12 Library Computers:  19 computers are for student use in the library.  Students checking out books are to only access Destiny while in the library.  Students may access any sites on the WMS library website during free time in the library.  Internet use is for research/teacher assigned projects only. Research Students:  Research students will only be allowed to use the district databases or approved websites from the teacher.  Students should have detailed instructions on the research project.  If more than one student needs to be sent, the teacher must make arrangements with the librarian for openings in the library schedule.  Students must ask before printing to avoid wasting large amounts of paper.

13 Searching for Books

14 Click on Destiny Library Page

15 FWISD Homepage Schools Middle Schools Middle Schools M-Z



18 Click on Catalog

19 Type in your search term here and click on the box below.

20 Title Search Type in title of book then click on title box

21 Results for Hunger Games Items availableNot available? Add to a list

22 To read more about the book click on Details

23 Details includes a summary about the book F Sci-Fi Fiction - Genre is Science Fiction CAB First 3 letters of the authors last name

24 Author Search Type in authors last name and click on Author box.

25 Results for books by James Patterson Call number shows location of book. F for fiction Sci-Fi for Science Fiction PAT for Patterson

26 Graphic Novels 741.5 for Graphic NovelsPAT for Patterson


28 Keyword or Subject Search

29 Results for football search These books are nonfiction. Check out the call numbers. 900’s & 700’s

30 Search for title “Foul Play” turns up 2 different books. F Spo FOU Sports F Mys OCO Mystery

31 Searching for a person Three books in Biography B Biography JOR Jordan 920 RAP Collective Biographies Authors last name

32 Logging into Destiny

33 Same as logging onto the computer

34 Your name appears when logged in This book is not available Click on the title

35 Click here to hold the next available copy

36 This screen shows the hold was successful Books that are available on the shelf cannot be put on hold

37 Just remember:  Fiction books are grouped by their genre then arranged by the first three letters of the authors last name. F Mys SMI  Nonfiction books have call numbers: 398.2 Sol 796.4 New 920 Bea  Biographies are arranged by the person the book is about. B JOR  ALWAYS check to see if any copies are available.  If the computer shows the book is available but we cannot locate it on the shelf, it may be in the wrong location. Many times students move books without replacing them in the proper place. We are not magicians – we cannot make the book magically appear! But we will do our best to help you.









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