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A GreaseMonkey Script to find a movie in the Internet Movie Database then check availability at UT Searching for Searching for Team: Matt Brodie Kate Bronstad.

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Presentation on theme: "A GreaseMonkey Script to find a movie in the Internet Movie Database then check availability at UT Searching for Searching for Team: Matt Brodie Kate Bronstad."— Presentation transcript:

1 A GreaseMonkey Script to find a movie in the Internet Movie Database then check availability at UT Searching for Searching for Team: Matt Brodie Kate Bronstad Ray James

2 May 1, 2006 2 Presentation overview  Where we started  Where we went  Problems encountered  Learning the programs  Perfecting the script  Demonstration  Conclusions/observations

3 May 1, 2006 3

4 4 Inspirations  Like an agent  Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. and Lassila, O. "The Semantic Web". Scientific American, May 2001.The Semantic Web  Are You Ready for Web 2.0?  Ryan Singel: “A new, more collaborative Internet..”  Angela Kille: Greasemonkey ppt ppt

5 May 1, 2006 5 Where we started  Netflix to UT and back     The ubiquitous Movie Dude  Building pieces into a whole  Tarnation

6 May 1, 2006 6 Greasemonkey  GM is a Firefox extension  Uses Javascript  Idea is customize or enhance the browser to meet user needs  Our script includes UT, VV and almost APL and has options

7 May 1, 2006 7 The script that isn’t yet  utimdb.user.js utimdb.user.js //==UserScript== //@name University of Texas links in IMDB//// //@descriptionAdds UT holdings information for DVDs of IMDB movies //@includehttp://** //@include* //==/UserScript== (function() { var libLeadingURLPart …

8 May 1, 2006 8 function makeLibLink(movieName) { if (movieName != null && movieName.length > 0) { doLookUp: function(movieName) { GM_xmlhttpRequest ({ method:'GET', url: libLeadingURLPart + movieName + libTrailingURLPart, onload: function(results) { page = results.responseText; if (notFound.test(page)) { var container = document.createElement("span");

9 May 1, 2006 9 Where we went  Getting a script to load  Angela the guardian angel  Amazon to UT  Using Secure Shell  Editing: matching )’s  Refining: dumping Netflix

10 May 1, 2006 10 What we found helpful  Dive into Greasemonkey  JavaScript books & Web pages  Hours of manipulation, tweaking  Advice of others  Similar working scripts  Side by side comparison  Counting pieces

11 May 1, 2006 11 Useful sites

12 May 1, 2006 12

13 May 1, 2006 13 Demonstration  Open Foxfire browser  Make sure Greasemonkey is up  URL: swproj.html  Install user script  Find a movie  Check availability at UT or …

14 May 1, 2006 14 Conclusion/observations  If we can do it, anyone can  Team up with someone who knows javascript  Start with something similar  Work it, rework it, rework it again  Edit it, re-edit it, re-edit it again  Enjoy the glory of others using it

15 May 1, 2006 15 Annotated Resources The shell link is from here: Shell used this to detect javascript errors within broswer A movie finding user script: Script that we based ours on. Greasemonkey: Dive into greasemonkey, a most helpful source, the bible of greasemonkey

16 May 1, 2006 16 More resources 1) 2) From Angela's script learned how to use gm_xmlhttp requests with UT, from other script learned how to place links in IMDB, but it didn't work. Non-working script for the original UT links in Netflix idea. - Universal Repository full of GM scripts

17 May 1, 2006 17 Yet more resources Pascarello, Eric. JavaScript: Your visual blueprint for building dynamic web pages. 2004, 2nd ed, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Indianapolis, IN Pollock, John. JavaScript: a beginner's guide. 2001. McGraw-Hill Co. Berkeley, CA Musciano, Chuch & Kennedy, Bill HTML & XHTML—The Definitive Guide, 5th ed., O’Reilly, Cambridge, MA, a brief general summary on Javascript FavIcon from Pics – favicon icons for your website used this to make favicons

18 May 1, 2006 18 Last of the resources W3, used this as a general javascript resource. The data: URI kitchen used this to make URI(s) for favicon(s). Aardvark, used this to see the code on some pages where it was hidden because of frames. A complete, online and downloadable resource.

19 May 1, 2006 19 The last session.

20 May 1, 2006 20 Questions or Comments?

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