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Alias MAYA 6.0 Tutorial  Overview  Basic Tools & MAYA Interface  Polygonal Modeling  NURBS Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Alias MAYA 6.0 Tutorial  Overview  Basic Tools & MAYA Interface  Polygonal Modeling  NURBS Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alias MAYA 6.0 Tutorial  Overview  Basic Tools & MAYA Interface  Polygonal Modeling  NURBS Modeling

2 Overview Final Fantasy Movie

3 Overview – cont.


5 BASIC - Interface Status Line Menu Bar Shelf Tool Box Command Line Channel/ Attribute Box Workspace Layout Shortcut

6 Workspace Panel Menu Grid Axis Direction Indicator

7 Transformation Manipulators Move : WRotate : EScale : R

8 Selection & De-Selection

9 Camera Tools  Dollying the view

10 Camera Tools – cont.  Tumbling the view

11 Camera Tools – cont.  Tracking the view

12 Primitive Objects  Maya Provides many types of primitive types and shapes

13 Primitive Objects – cont.  Primitive objects Used as a start point for various shapes and forms  To create primitive objects ‘Create > Polygon Primitives >’, ‘Create > NURBS Primitives >’, or Click ‘shelf’

14 Channel Box  Editing panel Object’s transformation information Control the attribute of an object with more accuracy

15 Attribute Editor  Provides attributes for the objects and materials More detailed display of all attributes for selected object

16 Surface Materials  Color, shininess and reflectivity attributes Controlled by its surface material  To assign a new material ‘Lighting/Shading > Assign New Material >’, or Right click & ‘Materials > Assign New Material >’

17 Grouping  Group Select objects  With L-button, shift-click each object, or  With L-button, drag one large bounding box From main menu, select ‘edit > group > ’

18 Practice

19 Polygonal Modeling  Menus used in this practices Edit polygons > Extrude Face Edit polygons > Split Polygon Tool Edit polygons > Subdivide > Polygons > Smooth

20 Create Polygon

21 Extrude & Split Polygon

22 Subdivide

23 Smooth

24 NURBS Modeling  NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) Method of mathematically describing curves and surfaces Characterized by the smooth organic forms

25 Revolving & Lofting  Used Menu Create > CV Curve Tool Surfaces > Revolve Snap to points (Status line) Edit > Duplicate Surfaces > Loft

26 NURBS & Revolving

27 NURBS & Lofting

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