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Welcome to Seminar! Thanks for signing up for the class HU 320 Culture: Religion and Identity Dennis Ford.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Seminar! Thanks for signing up for the class HU 320 Culture: Religion and Identity Dennis Ford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Seminar! Thanks for signing up for the class HU 320 Culture: Religion and Identity Dennis Ford

2 Contact Me We can set up a time to talk via phone or Google Chat. I check my email throughout the day so that’s a good way to contact me. Google Chat By appointment

3 What this Class is about This will be an academic study of the world’s major religions focusing on their central beliefs and practices. It’s not necessary that you have a religious background. I’m not asking you to agree with or approve of the religious beliefs we study, I’m just asking that you understand what they are. If the beliefs seem strange to you, try to remember that they make sense to the religion’s followers.

4 My Background Protestant Evangelical Christian MA in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics from Biola University seminary Graduate work in Religious Studies at Boston University I’ve taught about 30 sections of World Religions In my experience, students sometimes get the idea that “all religions are basically the same” so I tend to focus on comparing religious beliefs to discover what makes each one unique.

5 Discussing Religion Since religious views are sometimes held strongly and deeply, I wanted to remind you of the importance of showing respect for others' views at all times during discussions. To get the most out of our discussions, we need for everyone to feel comfortable enough to contribute and share their thoughts. So please be understanding and aware of the different backgrounds and points of view of the other class members.

6 Welcome to a Diverse World This course will take you on a journey around the world as you explore the beliefs, practices, and cultures of the world’s main religions. –Readings Chapters 1 and 2 –Discussion (2 questions) Name several components of religious culture that seem most important to you Discuss an example of how an indigenous religion has been represented –Final Project Information –Seminar

7 Syllabus and Policies Rubrics and Grading Policies Late Policy Projects Journals Quizzes Seminar Participation is graded Option 2 – This will be graded like a DB initial response (150 words, references to the reading, etc.) Discussion Boards Attendance/Tardiness policy Plagiarism Policy

8 Late Policy – Highlights from the syllabus I will accept late initial response discussion posts, but the class participation portion of the discussion grade will be deducted. Late projects are subject to 10% deduction (one letter grade) per unit late. If an emergency comes up, please contact me so I can work with you. Final projects are not accepted late unless an incomplete has been granted or if some health or family emergencies occur.

9 Discussion Grade—For full points: Discussion counts for almost half of your total grade Are your responses on topic, original and contribute to the quality of discussion? –Original – don’t just copy and post a block of text (even if you cite the source.) Summarize and paraphrase to make the content original to you. –Be sure to answer all parts of the question. This applies to all assignments – follow the instructions carefully.

10 Discussion Grade – cont. Have you made frequent responses using informed references to course material? Include source. –This really applies to every assignment. References to the textbook should be included. –Don’t just “shoot from the hip”. Initial response: 1 per thread, 150 word minimum. (Word count excluding quotations.)

11 Discussion Grade—Cont. Responses to others: 2 per thread, 50 word minimum. Needs to advance the discussion by including something new. –Comments like “good post” “I didn’t know that” “I’m learning a lot in this class” can be used, but they don’t count as advancing the discussion. Make it presentable, proofread, use paragraphs Some weeks have two threads, others only one. Respond to all threads.

12 Defining Religion “Religion starts with the perception that something is wrong.” ~Karen Armstrong Religion - “A pattern of beliefs and practices that express and enact what a community regards as sacred and/or ultimate about life.”

13 A Pattern of Beliefs… …about ultimate reality: –Differing answers to existential questions: Monotheism Polytheism Hindu World Soul Buddhist Nirvana Confucian and Taoist – The Dao

14 … and practices … Express and enact what is sacred – what is most holy and important –Worship –Rites/ rituals of passage –Meditation Here's a link to a video about the honor guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. It's not specifically religious, but I think it communicates the idea of sacredness expressed by the guards' commitment to perfection.

15 … ultimate about life… A principle An impersonal force A spiritual power hidden in the world or beyond it

16 …a community of like-minded people… Social communities of shared belief and practice that persist through history Concerned with passing teachings from generation to generation

17 What the study of religion can do for you: Offers training in both academic and everyday skills: –Relation of religious thought and practice to socio-cultural contexts –Understanding national conflicts –Appreciation of religious language and values –Cultural intelligence; cross-cultural competence A foundation for a successful and fulfilling career and personal growth

18 Conclusions The study of religion is multidisciplinary –Personal development, education, and individual religious experiences affect adoption and use of particular methods of study.

19 Seminar Question In your opinion, what is the value of religion in culture today? Is it a positive or negative force? Why?

20 Indigenous: Oriented More to Practice Than to Belief Not belief-based; no formal “teachings” for religious/theological reflection –Belief in gods/spirits part of the fabric of life Emphasis on practices: –Personal, group, and cosmic balance maintained through ritual actions –Rituals meant to control the power of the world

21 In-Group Based Few seek converts or allow full entry by those not of their group Ethnicity based Life-cycle rituals to initiate children into membership Closed to outsiders –Religious knowledge held as secret

22 The Goodness of the World Every part of nature has a spiritual aspect that makes it live and gives direction to its life. –All are related to humans in a natural cosmic balance –Traditions do not deal with “salvation,” “enlightenment,” or “eternal life.” –Not typically future-oriented

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