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Chapter 19 Booklet Section 2 Page 4 and Page 5. Page 3 Inside Section Text-based Questions 1.What positive results did the Black death bring? 2.Before.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 Booklet Section 2 Page 4 and Page 5. Page 3 Inside Section Text-based Questions 1.What positive results did the Black death bring? 2.Before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 Booklet Section 2 Page 4 and Page 5

2 Page 3 Inside Section Text-based Questions 1.What positive results did the Black death bring? 2.Before the 1200s, why wasn’t it safe for travelers to trade on the Silk Road? What made it safe again? How did this influence Italian trade? 3.What was the main key of the Renaissance? What movement developed as scholars began to broaden their interests and studies? 4.What made Florence stand out during the Renaissance and who controlled the government there? 5.Who were considered the masters of art during the Renaissance and why? 6.The Prince: Do you think that Machiavelli gave good advice in this passage (562)? Why or Why not? Draw a map of Italy identifying the major trading cities with colors Write answers in complete sentences. Bell Work: You will have 10 minutes to finish answering 19-1 Text-based questions in your booklet (page 3)

3 Page 4 Inside The Northern Renaissance 1.Johann Gutenberg 2.Christian Humanism 3.Miguel de Cervantes 4.William Shakespeare Northern Renaissance Page 5 Inside Printing in Europe Timeline Use the timeline on pages 566-567 to create a paragraph that explains how books went from being hand written to faster and cheaper production. 19-2 Text-Based Questions 1.As many Renaissance scientist studied mathematics to help them understand the universe, what modern symbols did they create? 2. During the Renaissance, students continued to study religion and humanities. However, what subject became especially important? Who said we should not ignore this subject? 3.What invention helped spread Renaissance ideas beyond Italy? 4.What book became the most widespread sold/read book during the Renaissance? 5.How was art of northern painters different from that of Italian painters? Put ideas, art, and literature of the Renaissance that developed outside of Italy in the circles Write the importance

4 Italian Renaissance Review Video 3 minutes Listen and add to your booklet, if needed

5 Section 1-2 Quiz Page 6 Inside 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Write the correct answer the questions asked

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