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JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH. Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the greatest composers of all time. Though his compositions are hundreds.

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2 Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the greatest composers of all time. Though his compositions are hundreds of years old they transcend his generation and will continue to shape and mold musicians as long as music is played.

3 Johann Sebastian Bach  Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany in 1685. From the beginning of his life he was constantly surrounded by music. His father was the leader of the local towns’ musicians, his mother was from a very musical family, and his uncles were all professional musicians.

4 Johann Sebastian Bach  Although Bach must have had significant training from a young age at the hands of his parents, it appears that he really started to flourish and gain some renown when he attended Michaelis monastery at Lüneberg in 1700.

5 Johann Sebastian Bach  Although during this time his musical abilities were increasing exponentially, he often found himself at odds with the church council as he would often shirk his church responsibilities in order to practice the organ. During this time Bachs musical prowess began to become well known and in 1707 became an organist at the New Church in Arnstadt. This new position did not turn out well for him as his musical style clashed with that of the local minister

6 Johann Sebastian Bach After a falling out with the minister, Bach won the post of organist at the court of the Duke Wilhelm Ernst in Weimar. While working for the Duke Wilhelm Ernst in Weima, Bach wrote some of his greatest compositions for the organ. Including Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

7 Johann Sebastian Bach  in 1717 Bach accepted a position with the prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen. But Duke Wilhelm Ernst had no interest in letting Bach go and even imprisoned him for several weeks when he tried to leave.

8 Johann Sebastian Bach  Bach was eventually released and he went to work with prince Leopold. During this time Bach devoted himself much to instrumental music, concertos for orchestras, and sonatas for multiple instruments. Bach continued to work with prince Leopold until 1721 when the prince got married and his new wife discourage his musical pursuits.

9 Johann Sebastian Bach  In 1721 Bach auditioned for a new position in Leipzig, Bach signed a contract to become the new organist and teacher at St. Thomas Church. This position required that he compose new music each week and so Bach threw himself into new compositions. Many of the compositions that he created during this time period were very religious.

10 Johann Sebastian Bach  As Bach aged his eyesight began to fail. Despite this Bach still continued to teach, write and perform. In 1749 Bachs eyesight was so bad that he had an operation, but unfortunately the operation left him completely blind. Soon after his operation Bach suffered from stroke as passed away in July 28, 1750.

11 References  1 - "Johann Sebastian Bach." wikipedia. N.p., 18 2012. Web. 18 Oct 2012..  2-Hanford, Jan. "Eisenach 1685-1695." J.S. Bach. N.p.. Web. 18 Oct 2012..  3- Cummings, Robert. Classical Archives. N.p.. Web. 18 Oct 2012. <  4-. "Johann Sebastian Bach biography.". A E Networks. Web. 18 Oct 2012..

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