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Presented by Lu Xiao Drexel University Quantifying Architectural Debt.

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1 Presented by Lu Xiao Drexel University Quantifying Architectural Debt

2 Agenda  Problem statement  Related work  Background  Approach  Expected contributions  Results achieved so far  Evaluation plan  Conclusion

3 Problem Statement (1)  Flawed relations propagate defects among files.  Flawed relations incur increasing maintenance costs over time  Debts accumulate interest.  Debts incur increasing penalty over time Architectural flaws Technical Debt Architectural Debt

4 Problem Statement (2)  How to define architectural debt?  How to identify architectural debt?  How to quantify the penalty -maintenance costs?  How to model the growing trend of penalty for architectural debt over time?

5 Related Work (1)  Technical Debt [1]  A metaphor for consequences of “short-cuts” for immediate goals.  Technical Debt has attracted increasing attention [2] :  Alves [3] built an ontology of technical debt by organizing and defining different types of debts.  Everton et. al. [4] proposed a solution to identified “self- admitted” debts by reviewing the comments left by developers.  Our work aims at advance the understanding and management of architectural debt, a type of technical debt, by automatically identify, quantify and model such debts.

6 Related Work (2)  Bug prediction  It aims at predicting the location of bugs to prioritize testing and debugging.  History metrics [5] :  E.g. number of bugs, bug density, churn…  Complexity metrics [6].  E.g. LOC, fanin, fanout,…  Our work aims at:  Discover architecture issues that cause bugs to propagate.  Find refactoring chances to reduce the error-rate through architectural improvement.

7 Related Work (3)  Code Smell  According to Fowler [7], "a code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system".  e.g. code clones, god class, lazy class and feature envy.  Code smell has been used as a heuristic for approximating technical debt.  Not all files with code smell are involved in technical debt [8].  Not all files in technical debt contain code smell.  Our work aims at:  Formally define architectural debt  Precisely identify architectural debt

8 Background(1)  A novel architectural model---DRSpaces model:  The architecture of a software system can be represented using multiple overlapping DRSpaces.  Each DRSpace represents a unique aspect of the architecture.  We designed an architecture root detection algorithm based on DRSpace model.  Error-prone files are architecturally connected in DRSpaces.  These DRSpaces contain architectural issues.

9 Background(2)  We defined and identified recurring architectural issues in software systems as hotspot patterns:  Unstable interface  Unhealthy inheritance  Cyclic dependencies  Modularity violations  We observed strong positive correlation between the number of issues with high maintenance costs in a file.

10 Approach(1)  We define an architectural debt (ArchDebt) as a group of architecturally connected files that incur high maintenance costs over time due to their flawed connections.  Three key features:  Flawed relations among files.  Files coupled in revision history.  Flawed relations between files persistently incur high maintenance costs over time.

11 Approach (2)  Automatically identify architectural debts.  Quantify the maintenance consequences of architectural debts.  Model the growing trend of maintenance costs accumulated on architectural debts over time.

12 Expected Contributions  Pushes the concept of technical debt closer to a practice from a metaphor:  Formal definition of architectural debt  Approach to identify, quantify and model architectural debt.  Contribution in practice:  Enable an analyst to precisely locate the debts, quantify and model the maintenance costs for each debt.  Help project managers to make informed decisions in if, where and how to refactor.

13 Results Achieved (1)  In the case study of an industry project:  Identified architectural debts that were verified by developers.  Quantified the impact scope and maintenance costs.  Built a simple economic model:  Cost required to refactor.  Expected benefit of refactoring.  We proposed a refactoring plan to the developers team, which was accepted and planned for implementation.  We are now gathering and analyzing data.

14 Results Achieved (2)  Preliminary study in 15 open source projects:  We selected multiple stable versions for analysis in each project.  We located groups of architecturally connected files that are persistently change- and error-prone in these projects.  We built simple linear regression models showing that the number of error-prone files in these groups increases over time.

15 Evaluation Plan(1)  Evaluation Questions:  RQ1: Are the architectural debts identified by our approach real problems?  That is, are they true and significant debts?  RQ2: Are the proxies for quantifying architectural debt penalties reliable?  What is the most reliable proxy?  RQ3: How effective is the evolution model of architectural debts?  Can it correctly estimate the amount of costs that have been and will be spent on a debt?  Is it useful to stakeholders in making decisions?

16 Evaluation Plan(2)  Open source project  Divide data into “past” and “future”, using “future” as a evaluation source.  Reach out to the developers for feedback.  Industry project  Ask for real effort data, if available.  Get feedback from developers.  If a refactoring is implemented based on our approach, we will track the costs and benefits of refactoring.

17 Conclusion  We formally defined a specific form of technical debt--- architectural debt.  We proposed an approach to identify architectural debts, quantify the penalties, and model their evolution trend.  We’ve evaluated the usefulness of our approach in 1 industry project and did some preliminary study in open source projects.  We plan to evaluate the usefulness of our work using more projects, both industry and open source.

18 References  [1] W. Cunningham. The WyCash portfolio management system. In Addendum to Proc. 7th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 29{30, Oct. 1992.  [2] Technical debt workshop series.  [3] N. S. Alves, L. F. Ribeiro, V. Caires, T. S. Mendes, and R. O. Spinola. Towards an ontology of terms on technical debt. In Managing Technical Debt (MTD), 2014 Sixth International workshop on  [4] E. da S. Maldonado and E. Shihab. Detecting and quantifying dierent types of self-admitted technical debt. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, Apr. 2015.  [5] T. J. Ostrand, E. J. Weyuker, and R. M. Bell. Predicting the location and number of faults in large software systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31(4):340{355, 2005.  [6] N. Nagappan, T. Ball, and A. Zeller. Mining metrics to predict component failures. pages 452{461, 2006.  [7] M. Fowler. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley, July 1999.  [8] N. Zazworka, A. Vetro, C. Izurieta, S. Wong, Y. Cai, C. Seaman, and F. Shull. Comparing four approaches for technical debt identication. Software Quality Journal, pages 1{24, 2013.


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