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2014. 3. 21. Lee,Sang-Hwi Pharmacokinetics (PK). Overview Pharmacokinetics (PK) studies the concentration time course of compounds and metabolites in.

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1 2014. 3. 21. Lee,Sang-Hwi Pharmacokinetics (PK)

2 Overview Pharmacokinetics (PK) studies the concentration time course of compounds and metabolites in vivo Key parameters are volume of distribution (Vd), area under the curve (AUC), clearance (Cl), t 1/2, C max and bioavailability (BA). PK data are heavily used by discovery teams and correlated to pharmacodynamic s(PD). -2-

3 -3- Intravenous Intramuscular Intraperitoneal Subcutaneous

4 -4- Introduction to PK Drug-Drug interaction

5 -5- (IV 투여시에만 존재 )

6 Volume of Distribution (V d ) (unit : L/kg) -6- f u, blood : fraction of compound unbound in blood f u,tissue : fraction of compound unbound in tissue 체내에서의 약물 분포 약물투여량 (dose) 과 약물의 초기농도 (C 0 ) 에 의해서 결정되는 가상적인 파라미터 적절한 약물용량을 결정 하는데 중요한 파라미터 High nonspecific tissue binding, higher lipophilicity, lower PPB  Enhance V d (↑) V d = Dose / C 0 (iv 에서의 초기농도 ) V d = V blood + V tissue (f u blood /f u tissue )  Tightly bound in blood (↑)  f u blood (↓) V blood (predominate)  Tightly bound in tissue (↑)  f u tissue (↓) V tissue (predominate)

7 -7- Highly hydrophilic Highly lipophilic moderately lipophilic and moderately bound to plasma protein and tissue componets BloodTissue

8 Area Under the Curve (AUC), (unit : μg/ml·h) -8- 생체시스템으로 투여된 약물이 전신순환계에 노출된 약물의 양 정맥투여시 C L 결정하는데 직접적으로 사용 경구투여시 약물의 생체시스템에 노출된 양을 결정함으로써 전체적인 약물의 약효와 독성 발현전 도를 예측할 수 잇는 중요한 체내 동태 파라미터 Oral exposure usually is lower than IV exposure because of additional barriers (permeation, solubility, intestinal decomposition) limit intestinal absorption, first-pass metabolism and biliary extraction that eliminate compound material before it reaches bloodstream

9 How rapidly the compound is extracted from systemic circulation(bloodstream) and eliminated. Clearance = elimination + metabolism -9- Clearance (C l ) (unit : ml/min/kg) Systemic clearance (Cl S ) = Cl R + Cl H Cl = Dose/AUC iv = (µg/kg)/(µg·min/ml) = ml/min/kg

10 -10- Clearance (CI) Clearance by an organ : Cl = Q * E (Q : blood flow into the organ / E : extraction ratio by the organ) if clearance is determined, it can be used to estimate the dose for the therapeutic effect. correlated to half-life

11 Half-life (t½) -11- Time for blood concentration to reduce by half 혈중약물 농도가 ½ 로 줄여드는데 필요한 시간 약물의 투여간격을 결정하는데 주요한 파라미터 t 1/2 = 0.693 / k (k : elimination rate constant from the slope) = 0.693 X (V d /Cl)

12 Bioavailability (%F) The fraction of dose that reaches systemic circulation unchanged 전신순환계에 도달하는 약물의 용량을 나타내는 비율 정맥주사투여 (IV) 의 경우와 비교하여 전신순환계로의 노출정도 -12- < 100% bioavailability 이유 ? 1) incomplete intestinal absorption or first-pass metabolism 2) enzymatic or pH-induced decomposition in the intestine or blood F(%) = (AUC PO /AUC IV ) X (Dose IV /Dose PO ) X 100%

13 -13- Bioavailability of XXXX in RccHan Wistar rat BA(%) = (AUC po /AUC iv )X(Dose iv /Dose po )X100 = (4.01/2.07)X(1/5)X100 = 37.5% PK parameters of XXXX Animal RccHan Wistar Rat ( ♂ ) Animal RccHan Wistar Rat ( ♂ ) BioanalysisLLE BioanalysisLLE Admin. Comp.XXXX Admin. Comp.XXXX Detected Com p. XXXX Detected Com p. XXXX Vehicle DMSO : PEG400 : Tween80 : 0.1M NaHCO 3 = 10 : 20 : 10 : 60 Vehicle DMSO : PEG400 : Tween80 : 0..1M NaHCO 3 = 10 : 20 : 10 : 60 Admin. Routei.v Admin. Routepo Dose (mg/kg)1 5 ParameterRat No.#1#2Mean ParameterRat No.#1#2Mean t1/2_Lambda_z (h)8.172.635.40 Tmax (h) AUCall (ug·h/mL)2.541.592.07 Cmax (ug/ml)0.510.620.56 AUCINF(observed) (h·ug/mL)2.711.722.21 t1/2_Lambda_z (h) Cl(observed) (mL/h/kg)369582476 AUCall (ugh/ml)3.534.484.01 MRTINF(observed) (h)5.481.933.70 AUCINF (observed) (ugh/ml)3.694.614.15 Vss(observed) (mL/kg)202511221573 BA(%) 37.5

14 Problem ( 단위 일치에 특히 조심 !!!) -14- F(%) = (AUC PO /AUC IV ) X (Dose IV /Dose PO ) X 100%

15 -15- Cl= Dose/AUCIV = (1mg/kg) / (1000ng·h/mL) = (10 -3 g/kg) / (4000X10 -9 gX60min/mL) = (10 -3 g/kg) / (24X10 -5 g·min/mL) = (100g/kg) / (24g·min/mL) = 4.2 mL/min/kg m=10 -3 μ =10 -6 n =10 -9 Cl = Dose/AUC iv V d = Dose / C 0 Vd= Dose/C0 = (1mg/kg) / (1000ng/mL) = (10 -3 g/kg) / (10 -6 g/0.001L) = (10 -3 g/kg) / (10 -3 g/L) = 1 L/kg F(%) = (AUC PO /AUC IV ) X (Dose IV /Dose PO ) X 100%

16 -16- (IV 투여시에만 존재 )

17 General PK Parameter Goals for Discovery Compounds -17-

18 Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Selected Drug Compounds -18- High C L  Low BA

19 -19-

20 -20- prodrug

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