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Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability Rosenbluth, Lam, and Fletcher (2006) Presented by: Aisha Bobb-Semple.

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Presentation on theme: "Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability Rosenbluth, Lam, and Fletcher (2006) Presented by: Aisha Bobb-Semple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability Rosenbluth, Lam, and Fletcher (2006) Presented by: Aisha Bobb-Semple 20.309 November 20, 2008

2 Background  Leukemia causes decreased deformability and increased adhesion in myeloblasts and lymphoblasts.  This can lead to leukostasis – cell aggregation in vasculature.  Leukostasis can cause intracranial hemorrhages, respiratory failure, and ultimately death.  More knowledge about deformability is necessary for a better understanding of the disease.

3 Examples of Leukostasis %2520x40a.jpeg

4 Goals  Develop a technique for probing non- adherent cells.  Develop a model for characterization mechanical properties.  Compare the deformability of: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) cell lines, and human neutrophils

5 Use of AFM for measuring stiffness  Cells are usually firmly adhered to a substrate  Cell is indented by a cantilever at a constant rate  Deflection of the cantilever is measured and related to force.  Linear elastic model of cell based on Hertzian mechanics is commonly used to determine elasticity.

6 Use of AFM for measuring stiffness  Leukocytes are non- adhesive.  One solution is to coat the surface of the substrate with polypeptides  Microfabricated wells were developed to immobilize the cells

7 Model for Characterization Which of two models best describes deformability of the cells? At what deformation rates are viscous contributions from the cytoplasm of the cell minimized?

8 Model Comparison Hertzian Mechanics Model  Indentation is related to the load  Piezo position related to cantilever deflection Liquid Droplet Model  Used predominantly in micropipette experiments  Difference in pressure related to cortical tension which is then related to deflection of the cantilever

9 Model Comparison  Both models were fit to experimental data  Mean squared error for the Hertz model was lower than the liquid drop model  Hertzian model used for cell stiffness comparison

10 Optimal Deformation Rate? Stiffness remained constant at and below 415nm/s for AML cells. (948 nm/s for ALL cells and 501nm/s for neurtrophils)

11 Comparison of Deformability  AML cells found to be significantly stiffer than others.  This is not surprising since leukostasis occurs in much higher frequency in AML.  Common for clinicians to accept that AML cells are more rigid than ALL and neutrophils.

12 Summary  Developed microwells to immobilize non-adherent cells for atomic force microscopy.  Determined that the Hertz model best fits the data.  Determined that AML cells were significantly stiffer than ALL cells and neutrophils  Consistent with finding that myeloid leukemias result in leukostasis more frequently than lymphoid leukemias do.

13 QUESTIONS?? ~Thank you for your attention~

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