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Overview of the Operations Research Modeling Approach Chapter 2: Hillier and Lieberman Chapter 2: Decision Tools for Agribusiness Dr. Hurley’s AGB 328.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Operations Research Modeling Approach Chapter 2: Hillier and Lieberman Chapter 2: Decision Tools for Agribusiness Dr. Hurley’s AGB 328."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Operations Research Modeling Approach Chapter 2: Hillier and Lieberman Chapter 2: Decision Tools for Agribusiness Dr. Hurley’s AGB 328 Course

2 Terms to Know Data Mining, Decision Variables, Objective Function, Constraints, Parameters, Linear Programming Model, Overall Measure of Performance, Algorithm, Optimal, Solution, Satisficing, Heuristic Procedures, Suboptimal Solution, Metaheuristics, Postoptimality Analysis, What-if Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Sensitive Parameter, Model Validation, Retrospective Test, Decision Support System

3 Major Phases in Operation Research Studies Define the Problem Gather Relevant Data Develop a Mathematical Model Create or Utilize a Procedure to Generate Solutions

4 Major Phases in Operation Research Studies Cont. Test and Refine the Model and Procedures as Needed Apply the Model as Needed by Management Assist in Implementing Chosen Solution

5 Problem Definition Much effort needs to go into understanding the problem at hand. You need to take the vague and convoluted and make it confined and precise. There is a need to understand the appropriate objectives that need to be met. This phase can take considerable time.

6 Data Gathering Data gathering can take a considerable amount of time. The data might come from primary or secondary sources. ◦ What is the difference between the two? The data may be known with near certainty or could be best guesses (“soft” data).

7 Data Gathering Cont. Time may be spent conditioning the data. There may be very little data or potentially too much.

8 Mathematical Modeling A mathematical model is an abstraction of a real world problem which is based on a set of assumptions for the purposes of tractability. It should be noted that when building models, you should start small.

9 Mathematical Modeling Cont. The main components are: ◦ The Objective Function ◦ The Decision Variables ◦ The Constraints

10 Create or Utilize a Procedure to Generate Solutions Many algorithms exist for developing solutions for particular mathematical models. ◦ What is an algorithm? Usually these algorithms need computers to find the solution in a reasonable time period.

11 Testing and Refining the Model Your model should be tested to see if the solutions make sense. ◦ The model may need many levels of refinement to be usable and worthwhile. ◦ It is useful to test a model out with known solutions.

12 Testing and Refining the Model Most if not all models start out with having issues (bugs). ◦ Bugs should be identified and fixed. ◦ Finding bugs/issues in your model can be challenging.  You need to develop a set of skills for identifying issues with your model.

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