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Dengue 1 flaviHAd 5 adenoHendra paramyxo. DEN-1 UNS/images/kuhn.dengue1.jpeg Common Alias: Break-Bone Fever, Dengue Fever, Name:

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1 dengue 1 flaviHAd 5 adenoHendra paramyxo


3 DEN-1 UNS/images/kuhn.dengue1.jpeg Common Alias: Break-Bone Fever, Dengue Fever, Name: Dengue Virus Type 1 Team: Flaviviridae Physical Build: Single Stranded RNA virus, icosahedral and enveloped capsid. Virus Mobile: Aedes Mosquito Boundaries: Africa, Southeast Asia and China, India, Middle East, Carribean, Central and South America, Australia. Offense: Mode of Entry: Blood stream through Aedes Mosquito vector Plan of Attack: Power: high fever, headache, retro-orbital, severe muscle and joint pain, nausea, and vomiting. Speed: 5 to 6 days to develop a fever. Outcome: 50 to 100 million cases of Dengue each year. Defense: Weapons (Vaccine): None Treatments: None Strategy: Avoid Aedes Mosquito, Bed rest, fluids, fever reduction. Humans and Viruses Pathogen Cards Lauren Gong References: Ryan, 588. And

4 HAD-5


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