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Moffat Programme NHS Carer Information Strategies Learning and Sharing Event 3rd February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Moffat Programme NHS Carer Information Strategies Learning and Sharing Event 3rd February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moffat Programme NHS Carer Information Strategies Learning and Sharing Event 3rd February 2010

2 Moffat Programme - Preventing Crisis for Carers Project Aim To create effective partnership working between the NHS, social care staff, local carer centres and carers. By promoting early identification, intervention and support for carers, to prevent unnecessary crisis, this will ensure their proper support as key partners in the provision of care, and prevent an adverse effect on carers’ own health and well-being.

3 The Pilot Sites The four NHS Board areas covered by the Moffat Pilots are: NHS Ayrshire and Arran NHS Borders NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Lothian

4 Model Hospital or community team based workers Range of care groups including: Physical disability Mental health Older people Palliative care

5 Programme Objectives The overall programme aims to ensure that: Carers are identified at their first point of contact with services Carers are advised of their right to and offered a carer’s assessment Pressure on carers’ own health is reduced Carers are consulted and actively involved in discharge planning processes at an early stage Health and social care professionals are able to provide appropriate information and refer carers to local support services

6 Outcome Learning will be embedded and become good practice within Health Boards and Local Authorities

7 Experience of Carers - Baseline 66% of respondents not asked if they were a carer during hospitalisation Only 14% were informed of their right to a Carer’s Assessment Only 9% offered practical training in relation to the care required for the condition of the cared for person during hospitalisation Only 15% of carers indicated receiving training post-discharge

8 Experience of Carers – Baseline Partners in Care Only 29% felt their expertise was fully or mostly recognised by service providers Only 27% felt care professionals understood their needs as carers Only 21% felt that health, social work and carers organisations worked together

9 Recognised as a Carer 60% identified as carers during hospital admission Key role played by Moffat Workers Over 2,100 carers identified in 18 months



12 Carers’ Assessments 71% of carers identified have been informed of their right to a carer’s assessment– though predominantly by a Moffat Worker Moffat Workers actively facilitated an assessment for 11% of the carers

13 Ways in which carers reported being involved in discharge planning Communication between carer and hospital staff Review Meeting Support requirements identified/recorded Support requirements arranged Advised of care package Training provided on how to care

14 Health Conditions of Cared For Dementia – 23% Stroke – 18% Mental Illness – 16% Cancer – 11% Heart Disease – 10%

15 Services Provided by Moffat Workers Information Emotional Support Benefits/Finance Advice Practical Support Access to Training

16 Other Activities Training for health and social care staff Attendance at meetings to develop carer pathways, facilitate referrals and raise awareness of Moffat Programme Outreach sessions in hospitals and other carer awareness activities Mentoring of staff for Carers’ Assessments

17 “Working in hospitals has made a major difference to a lot of people. We can sit down with the relatives of those who have been diagnosed with various conditions in the early stages and advise them about what support they can get as a carer. This sets a lot of peoples’ minds at rest.” (Moffat Worker)

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