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Care and feeding of your antenna

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1 Care and feeding of your antenna
Don’t lose the signal Before it gets there! Clint Miller KCØJUO and Paul Cowley KB7VML Story County ARES January 16th, 2016

2 What Is Coaxial Cable (aka “Coax”)?
Coax is a feedline used to connect radio to antenna Only one of several types of feedline systems Very easy to handle, but not without its drawbacks Consists of two conductors coaxial to each other Has a characteristic impedance Construction and materials can vary widely

3 Thanks Wikipedia!

4 Choose Wisely! Remember 3dB Note specific drawbacks
It’s either half or double Note specific drawbacks 9913 is air-core coax RG-8 and similar are large High penalty for flexibility

5 Don’t Forget The Connectors
The great connector debate… PL-259/SO-239 (UHF) vs N Which flavor should you use?

6 QUESTIONS? Care and feeding of your antenna
Don’t lose the signal Before it gets there! QUESTIONS? Clint Miller KCØJUO and Paul Cowley KB7VML Story County ARES January 16th, 2016

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