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Role Models Matter: Engaging Girls (and All Kids) in STEM September 2015 Revision A.

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Presentation on theme: "Role Models Matter: Engaging Girls (and All Kids) in STEM September 2015 Revision A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role Models Matter: Engaging Girls (and All Kids) in STEM September 2015 Revision A

2 Workshop Goals To learn… what information to share with girls/kids strategies to engage girls/kids To connect… with resources with each other

3 What does a girl (or any student) imagine when she thinks of a scientist or engineer?

4 Before Role Model Experience I think of a scientist as very dedicated to his work. He is kind of crazy, talking always quickly. He constantly is getting new ideas. He is always asking questions and can be annoying. He listens to others' ideas and questions them. -Amy, 7 th grader

5 After Role Model Experience I know scientists are just normal people with a not so normal job.... Scientists lead a normal life outside of being a scientist. They are interested in dancing, pottery, jogging and even racquetball. Being a scientist is just another job which can be much more exciting. -Amy, 7 th grader


7 Why Train Role Models?

8 CHANGING THE CONVERSATION: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering National Academy Of Engineering (NAE)

9 WHY SO FEW? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics American Association of University Women

10 Engineering Messages Recommendations Describe engineering: discovery, design, imagination, innovation, contribution Describe engineers: creative problem solvers, essential to health, happiness and safety, shape the future Use the word create, not build (or STEM) ^

11 Engineering Messages Recommendations Stop reinforcing images of nerdy & boring Stop focusing on math and science as the needed inputs and instead focus on: –Outputs –Career opportunities –Making a difference in the world (or STEM) ^

12 Engineering Messages Recommendations Use images of people, not things; especially avoid using gears and mechanical looking things (or STEM) ^



15 Key Elements of a Role Model Interaction Make it personal Use kid-friendly language Share academic and/or career path Share challenges and triumphs Show how engineers can change the world These elements should be threaded throughout a role model interaction!

16 Role Model Event Icebreaker (10 minutes) Role model introductions (10 minutes) Hands-on STEM activity Reflection and connections to the world (10+ minutes)

17 Ice Breaker

18 Icebreakers can... Make students and role models more comfortable Introduce new scientific topics, vocabulary or careers Check for background knowledge

19 Role Model Introduction

20 Use effective messaging language Share how your work is making our world a better place Share successes and failures (encourage the growth mindset) Make it personal and connected

21 Hands-on Activity

22 Give useful and specific feedback Use questions Promote inquiry Highlight the challenge Praise the effort

23 Reinforce the Growth Mindset Fixed MindsetGrowth Mindset Intelligence is static.Intelligence can be developed. Leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency to Leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to avoid challengesembrace challenges give up easily due to obstacles persist despite obstacles see effort as fruitless see effort as path to mastery ignore useful feedback learn from criticism be threatened by others’ success be inspired by others’ success Teach children that intellectual skills can be acquired. Praise the effort. Highlight the struggle. Gifted programs should send the message that they value growth and learning. AAUW Why So Few


25 Reflection - Make it Meaningful Connect the activity to... Kids' lives Careers STEM Other activities or disciplines Make connections throughout the hands-on activity.

26 Find STEM in your everyday life... & use resources to help you! Sports Cooking Driving Games & Apps Music Health & Medicine PBS MythBusters STEM & Puzzle Apps STEM Camps Museums & Centers Mini-Maker Faire UT Austin Events


28 Resources

29 Collaborative Effort including Lawrence Hall of Science, Exploratorium, New York Hall of Science, Science Museum of Minnesota, Children’s Museum of Houston

30 Searched: Civil Engineering Free - $1.00 10 – 30 minutes Searched: Civil Engineering Free - $1.00 10 – 30 minutes

31 Finding & Being Role Models Regional K12 STEM Outreach Google Groups

32 Techbridge Resources Role Model Guide Techbridge Tips Online Training

33  The TxGCP connects organizations and individuals across Texas committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).  Free Hands-on STEM Activities STEM Program Directories Effective STEM Messaging Resources K-12 STEM Outreach Program Assessment Resources 

34 Six Quick Tips for Sudden STEM Teachers teachers/ teachers/ More Resources!

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