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4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register Development of an enhanced EGR Vision EGR version 2.0.

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Presentation on theme: "4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register Development of an enhanced EGR Vision EGR version 2.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register Development of an enhanced EGR Vision EGR version 2.0

2 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 2 Aim and content To present the today's ambitions of the EGR project To keep/get orientation. Is the EGR project on the right track? To get supporters as users and as contributors to specification of requirements of the EGR

3 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 3 EGR ambitions to become the platform that supports the production of micro based statistics on globalisation in Europe by offering compilers access to integrated and up-to-date register data on multinational enterprise groups by way of collecting, comparing and selecting information from different commercial and institutional sources the EGR provides a set of pooled information that allows compilers of statistics to organise the data collection and to produce statistics on the basis of shared and coordinated information basis.

4 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 4 Purpose of the Vision document 1.The primary mean of communication between management, ICT-activities and stakeholders. 2.Describes the IT system as it should be built from the stakeholder's perspective. 3.The focus is on the needs that stakeholders (register staff and statisticians) have on the features which a system must have to fulfil the needs. See document: ESTATG1 BR March 2010 4.1 Vision EGR 2.0p3.DOC

5 Without and with EGR Present situation without an EGR –…… Future situation with an EGR –………… (from the vision doc) 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 5

6 Problem Statement The problem of The growing importance of multinational enterprises and a lack of information on globalization processes Affects Eurostat, NSIs, ECB and NCBs the impact of which is new ways of collecting of data and compiling statistics on enterprise groups, active in the EU, are needed a successful solution would  provide an infrastructure for the production of coordinated and consistent statistical output on globalisation  provide an infrastructure for co- ordinated statistical output at group level on globalisation related issues. 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 6

7 Who are the stakeholders identified? Inward FATS Outward FATS Foreign Direct Investment National Accounts Trade statistics ……. (vision document) 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 7

8 Inward FATS FATS-Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 Scope: describing the overall activity of enterprises on which an institutional unit not resident in the compiling country has control. In order to compile inward FATS Member States have to be able: –to identify their resident units which are foreign controlled; –to determine the country of the UCI of those units; –to attribute certain characteristics to those units. 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 8

9 Outward FATS FATS-Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 Scope: describing the overall activity of enterprises or part of enterprises resident in the compiling economy In order to compile outward FATS Member States have to be able: –to identify their UCIs which control (directly or indirectly) an extra-EU enterprise; –to identify all majority-owned extra-EU affiliates of those UCIs; –to attribute certain characteristics to those affiliates. 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 9

10 FDI statistics OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investments, 4 th edition Guideline ECB/2007/3 amending Guideline ECB/2004/15 Regulation (EC) No 184/2005 Foreign direct investment (FDI) reflects the objective of a resident entity in one economy to obtain a lasting interest in an enterprise resident in another economy. –A “10 % ownership criterion” is applied in order to infer a direct investment relationship, i.e. the existence of such a lasting interest. –FDI transactions should be detailed according to the country of the 'Ultimate Controlling Parent' (UCP). 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 10

11 External trade statistics in goods and services Extrastat Regulation (EC) No 471/2009, Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 amended by Regulation (EC) No 222/2009. ……………….. 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 11

12 Other stakeholders Statistics on small and medium-sized enterprises Enterprise group registers ……….. 27 April 20104° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 12

13 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 13 Main priorities according to stakeholders (analysis carried on in 2008) –The identification of units (including matching/linking of units in the different registers) –Sharing of information and access for the users to the whole structure of enterprise groups –The coverage/content of the EGR See document: Doc. ESTAT/G1/EG/2008-3/EN/rev.1

14 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 14 The identification of units (1) 1.Identification of legal units  Unique Identification by EGR identification number: EU_LEU_ID (= 10 digit number)  Linked to this number: ID number of the legal units in the national statistical business registers ID number of the legal units in the official national administrative registers (now 1 – to be extended) ID numbers used by the commercial data providers (D&B, BvD, ISIN, VALOR, SEDOL, World Vest base number, WEB addresses)

15 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 15 The identification of units (2) 2.Identification of enterprise groups  Unique Identification by EGR identification number: GLOBAL_EG_ID (= 10 digit number)  Unique in time: subjected to continuity rules in case of merging, acquisition etc.  Linked to this: Legal units controlled by the group head First shot minority ownerships up and down Enterprise units

16 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 16 Sharing of information and access (1) Sharing of information: Source management Linking the units from different sources Integrating the information from different sources Output management 2009 and 2010: priority on ‘linking’ and ‘integrating’ of units/information from 2 commercial data providers and 31 NSIs – including the challenges related to the ‘dynamics’ of a second cycle.

17 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 17 Sharing of information and access (2) Coming up: output management: 1.Verifying/updating the output requirements for FATS and FDI a.o. towards a quarterly cycle? 2.Implementing the EGR in FATS production processes 3.Validating the results of the integration of information 4.Enriching the EGR with results of ‘Profiling’

18 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 18 Sharing of information and access (3) Coming up: source management 1.Optimising data acquisition: Extension of coverage Data on ‘major’ events 2.Data ‘hunting’: Financial reference variables SPE info

19 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 19 Sharing of information and access (4) Remote access by a web interface: 1.Viewing EGR data 2.Selection of survey populations 3.Online updating of EGR data 4.Validation of the data integration 5.Adding/updating profile reports/structures to the EGR 6.Exchange of information on ‘events’ and ‘quality issues’ between register staff/statisticians 7.Notification system in case of relevant events

20 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 20 Coverage/content this part is missed (from list of priorities in slide n.13) Could be said what is the coverage 500/5000 >> 10000 About content: main priorities…..

21 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 21 Some milestones October 2010: 1.Main features of EGR version 2.0 2.IT architecture EGR version 2.0 January 2012: Start implementation of EGR version 2.0

22 27 April 2010 4° ESSnet workshop on the EuroGroups Register 22 From 2010 to 2012? What about 2011? It will be the year of developing/studying the new features: ………………… ………….. so it may be good to say that it will be the time for communicating and cooperating with stakeholders, too.

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