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Education Family Carson High School Sports College Mission Joseph Leatham.

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1 Education Family Carson High School Sports College Mission Joseph Leatham

2 Family + My parents always taught me to do my best without pushing me too hard + My siblings taught me through their experiences what would help me and what I should avoid -I felt a lot of pressure to perform as well as my siblings did in everything - I was really hard on myself when I didn’t get a good score/review because I felt like I let my family down

3 Carson High School + High School gave me many opportunities to get involved and develop my social skills + Multiple teachers taught me the value of quality education and hard work - Student Council advisor was dishonest, rude, and selfish - Academics took a back seat to sports, clubs, and social events because school was easy for me

4 Sports + Getting cut from my middle school basketball team made me work hard and get better + Two of my coaches took the time to teach me to stand up for my beliefs and that there are more important things than sports + I have learned more about teamwork, setting goals, working hard, and how to lose through sports than anything else - High School coach taught us that winning was more important than anything - Academics, family, and friends sometimes took a back seat to sports

5 Mission + I was able to meet so many wonderful, inspiring people who continue to teach me about culture and perspectives + My mission president had a huge influence on my career decision + Learned to love Spanish - I developed a bad habit of criticizing cultures and practices that I don’t understand

6 College + My education became more well-rounded and complete + I developed organizational and time management skills + I met my wife, who has inspired me to pursue higher education - I learned I can procrastinate and still get things done - I became too focused on meeting the requirements of assignments that I miss the purpose of them - Because of bad experiences with group work, I prefer to work alone and do things my way

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