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We will design a statue at the end of this lesson discussing these affects, so take Good Notes!!

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1 We will design a statue at the end of this lesson discussing these affects, so take Good Notes!!

2 Definitions Reconstruction (U.S.)- Bringing the South back into the Union. Amendment- a change made to a law. Land Grants- Land giving by the government to reward certain people. Vigilantism- Taking the law in one’s own hand.

3 Reconstruction Era The American Civil War ended in June 1865, but the Southern States’ problems were far from over. Abraham Lincoln vowed to welcome the South back into the union, but he was assassinated. Reconstruction required three new amendments being added to the Constitution of the United States. Reconstruction affected Texas, Economically, Socially and Politically.

4 Economically Texas needed to grow, so many railroads were built across the state. To pay for the railroads, the state set aside land in the form of Land Grants. Texans also began to adapt to the idea of Cattle Ranching, where “Cowboys,” would round up cattle and take it north to Wyoming and Kansas. Farming was also a steady income for Texans.

5 Politically Following Lincoln’s death, President Andrew Johnson wanted to bring the South back into the union, but there were stipulations. Johnson initiated the 13 th Amendment (1865), which outlawed slavery throughout the U.S. territories. Johnson also stated that White Males had to pledge allegiance to the U.S. in order to vote. Johnson initiates the Reconstruction Amendments.

6 Reconstruction Amendments First, Johnson stated that every southern state had to write a new constitution and include the 13 th,14 th and 15 th Amendment. 14 th Amendment (1868) states that all people born on American soil shall be citizens. 15 th Amendment (1870) stated that all (free men) should be allowed to vote.* Texas is readmitted into the union March 30, 1870.

7 Socially U.S. exterminates the Buffalos to get rid of Native Americans. Some former slaves would ban together to form little towns. (Third and Fourth Wards in Houston) Ku Klux Klan migrates to Texas in 1868, and their ideas were based heavily on vigilantism. Mainly located near Houston and Dallas, the Klan used intimidation tactics and even murder to make sure Blacks were not given any rights.

8 Ending Reconstruction Reconstruction will end in the U.S. in 1871, making way for the Industrial Revolution.

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