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1 Test SEITA

2 Draw an ER diagram for a university database consisting of 4 entities : Student, Department, Class, Faculty and convert it to tables. A student has a unique id, the student can enroll for multiple classes and has at most one major. Faculty must belong to department and faculty can take multiple classes Every student will get a grade for the class he/she was enrolled (10 marks) 2. Explain the steps of an algorithm for ER to relational mapping (5 marks)

3 Answer Any 3 from following 3
Answer Any 3 from following 3. Explain Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation with example 4. Draw and Explain Database system architecture 5. Define the following terms: a. Primary Key b. Strong entity set c. Database Management System d. Candidate Key e. Characteristics of databases 6. Explain different data models with its advantages and disadvantages. 7. Construct an ER Diagram for a car-insurance company that has a set of customers each of whom owns one or more cars. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. 8. Define Data Independence and Explain types of data independence

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