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Paris CAS-H 2009. Paris CAS-H 2009... bee-keeper and carnival drummer... from →... to a.

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Presentation on theme: "Paris CAS-H 2009. Paris CAS-H 2009... bee-keeper and carnival drummer... from →... to a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paris CAS-H 2009

2 Paris CAS-H 2009... bee-keeper and carnival drummer... from →... to a

3 Paris CAS-H 2009 Director of the Dept. of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital Basel, Switzerland Head of CMBE – Clinical Morphlogy & Biomedical Engineering

4 Paris CAS-H 2009 Prof. Dr. med. Dr med. dent. Dr.h.c. Hans-Florian Zeilhofer

5 Paris CAS-H 2009 Study of medecine and philosopy in Munich → Face and Identity „Who am I ?... And if so,... How many?“

6 Paris CAS-H 2009 One of his recent fields of clinical research with Dept. of Computer Science Basel (T. Vetter): Statistical Shape Models for reconstuction e.g. applied to nose prosthesis

7 Paris CAS-H 2009 Pioneering clinical research in CMF surgery related to computer technology, e.g. Rapid Prototyping and Tissue Engineering Bavarian Golden Euromold Award 2004 for implantat development

8 Paris CAS-H 2009 Founding of the hightech research center HFZ in Basel 2004 with focì on 1) Computer aided 3D planning and navigation

9 Paris CAS-H 2009 2) Malformations, especially baby cleft, amongst other by use of scanning and holographic methods. Analog cleft baby hologram

10 Paris CAS-H 2009 3) Laser Osteotomy, robotic guidance

11 Paris CAS-H 2009 Strong early dedication to children with malformations in developing countries as Rumania, including training programs for medical personnel and development of sustained partnership among hospitals. General charity work in favor of orphans and of kids in poor families.

12 Paris CAS-H 2009 Initiator and organiser of the Bernd-Spiessl- Symposium

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