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Aviation Safety Developments - ESSI John Vincent Safety Analysis and Research Department Executive Directorate 15 January 2007 NARAST Bangkok European.

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Presentation on theme: "Aviation Safety Developments - ESSI John Vincent Safety Analysis and Research Department Executive Directorate 15 January 2007 NARAST Bangkok European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aviation Safety Developments - ESSI John Vincent Safety Analysis and Research Department Executive Directorate 15 January 2007 NARAST Bangkok European Aviation Safety Agency Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit Agenzia Europea per la Sicurezza Aerea

2 European Aviation Safety Agency

3 Where are were The JAA Safety Strategy Initiative (JSSI) was established in 1998. It is a safety improvement program supporting the JAA in meeting a commitment to improve aviation safety in Europe The JSSI Steering Group (StG) closely cooperates with the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)

4 European Aviation Safety Agency Context Two pillar system – NAAs & EASA Capability increased JAA transition ESSI - in July 2006 this was a plan now it’s a reality SESAR and 7 framework Occurrence Reporting New States Now EU 27 plus 4

5 European Aviation Safety Agency Global Roadmap Global Aviation Safety Roadmap Part 1 presented to ICAO DGAC Safety Conference 20-22 March 2006 Roadmap is to provide a common frame of reference for all stakeholders, including States, regulators, airline operators, airports, aircraft manufacturers, pilot associations, safety organizations and air traffic service providers. Part 2 published

6 European Aviation Safety Agency Worldwide Safety

7 European Aviation Safety Agency Future aims in Europe EC Commissioner Jacques Barrot expressed the SESAR 2020 Performance Targets as increased capacity and safety Mission – common high level of safety

8 European Aviation Safety Agency Cooperative safety teams CAST PAAST JSSI > ESSI ASETUnderway COSCAP CIS Underway COSCAP NA, SA, SEA

9 European Aviation Safety Agency Strategic Safety Initiative Objective: Active safety improvement through safety planning Tasks: Facilitating a European safety initiative  Three pillar approach (Commercial/Rotorcraft/General Aviation) Close working with international initiatives Mandate: Basic Regulation Art. 2, Art. 12 and Art. 18 Deliverables: Practicable safety enhancements Implementation of safety action plans Monitoring of implementation effectiveness

10 European Aviation Safety Agency European SSI 3 main pillars Commercial Aviation (ECAST)  Working with CAST  Partnership Rotorcraft (EHEST)  Working with IHST  Partnership General Aviation (GAST)  Safety Committee  Promotion Cross sector coordination  Environment EU27+4 and wider  EASA the catalyst, powered by the Industry  Consistent approach to safety risk management

11 European Aviation Safety Agency Foundation Group 27 April 2006 Bring the parties together 13 July 2006 Making a charter 12 October 2006 Agree foundation documents 13 & 14 December 2006 Establishing a work programme 2007 Full schedule of activities


13 European Aviation Safety Agency ESSI - ECAST Foundation meeting April About 40 participants - Open and vibrant debate Governance issues Accountability Not “owned” by EASA Commitment Criteria for selection of co-Chairs  Neutral, credible, open, drive and acceptance Executive Committee Balance of interests - sensitive Working Groups 2: Action plan and process development

14 European Aviation Safety Agency ESSI - EHEST International Safety Team (IHST) Up and running Reviewing US accidents Goal set Different environments European coordination meeting 6 July in Cologne 14 November in Cologne  European Helicopter Safety Team established Participation Analysis working group meet in January

15 European Aviation Safety Agency ESSI - GAST A wide spectrum of activities National Aero Clubs and Associations Ten’s of thousands of pilots Create a forum for: Sharing best practices Improving sources of information Safety promotion Taking soundings Plan consultation Rulemaking activities National initiatives

16 European Aviation Safety Agency Presenting the aims Final JSSI 28 June 2006 AEA Safety Directors Meeting 29 June 2006 ECAC DG Meeting 31 August – 4 September 2006 European Rotorcraft Forum 12 September 2006 EUROCONTROL Safety Management Workshop 29 November 2006

17 European Aviation Safety Agency Safety Action Coordination EASA Coordinate the running of safety initiatives; Organise cooperation with other international safety teams and initiatives; Publish, present and promote the work of a European safety initiative and Coordinate the development of a Safety Plan for the Agency

18 European Aviation Safety Agency Pledge Represents high-level commitment Signatory organisations are: Equal partners within the ESSI Provide, in partnership, reasonable resources to ensure that the ESSI be effective, and Take reasonable actions as a result of ESSI recommendations, guidance and solutions in the ESSI area(s) in which they participate

19 European Aviation Safety Agency Vision, Aim and Mission Vision To be among the World’s most successful strategic aviation safety partnerships Aim Reduce the rate of accidents and the fatality risk irrespective of the volume of air traffic within Europe and for European aviation worldwide Mission Through a successful professional alliance of aviation organisations and their expert representatives improve civil aviation safety by reducing safety risk and protecting the aviation community, passengers and the general public from harm caused by aviation related accidents and incidents

20 European Aviation Safety Agency Philosophy Apply and promote Safety Management principles “Just culture” approach Confidentiality and data protection Cooperate and coordinate activities with other safety initiatives world- wide; sharing data and results

21 European Aviation Safety Agency Meeting Dates 2006/2007 Date/Location CAST February 1, 2007 TBD ESSI ECAST #01/07 February 15, 2007 TBD CAST April 5, 2007 TBD ESSI ECAST #02/07 April 12, 2007 TBD CAST June 7, 2007 TBD ESSI ECAST #03/07 June 21, 2007 TBD CAST August 2, 2007 TBD ESSI ECAST #04/07 September 6, 2007 TBD CAST October 4, 2006 TBD ESSI ECAST #05/07 November 15, 2007 TBD CAST December 6, 2006 TBD

22 European Aviation Safety Agency Ongoing Tasks Formation documents Pledge, Vision, Mission, Aim Charter Procedures Consolidate membership Leadership Build a work programme Facilitation Organisation Web site

23 European Aviation Safety Agency Occurrence Reporting Support for data driven approach Identify data sources Making sharing a reality Common repository a joint effort EASA, EC, JRC and EUROCONTROL agree ECCAIRS Steering Committee EASA leading taxonomy development and quality management

24 European Aviation Safety Agency Conclusion Critical time Securing commitment Full participation essential Core leadership Fully functioning safety initiative to start 2007 Stages Preparation and activation Working to make a difference

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