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USA and USSR governments.. Basic Government USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)  Defined by the structure of the Communist Party USA (United States.

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Presentation on theme: "USA and USSR governments.. Basic Government USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)  Defined by the structure of the Communist Party USA (United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 USA and USSR governments.

2 Basic Government USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)  Defined by the structure of the Communist Party USA (United States of America)  Defined by a Constitution (Law defining the fundamental political structure of a government)

3 Executive USSR  Party headquarters was Red Square in Moscow.  Called the “Politburo” –Political Bureau of the communist party  High posts in government given for years of service to the party. USA  Headquarters is Washington  President/VP (elected) President/VP  Congress (elected Congress  Senate (elected) Senate Source: US ConstitutionUS Constitution

4 President  Runs for office with a VP, and a party nomination  Is elected by political party as candidate  Chooses a Cabinet (group of advisors)  Has executive emergency powers  Is the commander in chief of the armed forces forces

5 President- con’t  No bill passes into law unless the president signs it unless…  The president does not sign it. Then the bill is returned to the house.  If the house passes the bill again by a 2/3rds majority it shall pass into

6 Congress  Also called the House of Representatives  Members can introduce bills (proposals for new laws), and vote on bills.  There is one Representative for every 30,000 people (roughly)  Voted for every second yearyear

7 US Senate  Gives bills a final review before they can pass into law. If a law does not pass, it is sent back to the congress.  Each state gets 2 senators.  Senators serve for six years.years

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