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Penny Shreve-SmithHeather Porter SLO CoordinatorStudent Services Liaison Barstow Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Penny Shreve-SmithHeather Porter SLO CoordinatorStudent Services Liaison Barstow Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penny Shreve-SmithHeather Porter SLO CoordinatorStudent Services Liaison Barstow Community College

2 What is an AUO? No, it does not stand for “Alien Unidentified from Outer Space” ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OUTCOMES  Measurable goals an administrative unit uses to demonstrate they function well STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME  A student learning outcome is what students can do at the end of instruction with the knowledge they have gained

3 Face it,

4 They Seem Alien!  Different Perceptions  Limited vision  “SLO” mind-set AUOs Are Scary Because… - - they are unknown

5 AUOs Are Scary Because… - Measuring an on-going process is difficult  How to measure successes, impacts, and outcomes without a clear end product  SLOs are a direct outcome at the end of an event, AUOs are more indirect outcomes

6 Overcoming the Fear  Dialogue Stress-free discussion between SLO Coordinator, Student Services liaison, and several administrative unit leaders  Forget the “big scary picture” and focus on one department Magnify this one area, look at it from multiple perspectives – study this new life form  Focus on positive end products “We can do” instead “What we can’t”

7 How We Escaped the Big, SCARY AUO Monster – I – The Vision We created SLOw Fridays  Campus Awareness (camaraderie) Explore interactions and relations between departments and units  Self- Reflection Create departmental vision statements supporting the College Mission Statement  Discover and Share a Can-Do Attitude Visualize and share outcomes and assessments in all areas on campus

8 Map your mock department’s relationship with other departments (use butcher block paper) THEN Develop vision statement for your mock department (refer to examples for ideas) NOW - Share Our Ideas

9 How We Escaped the Big, SCARY AUO Monster – II – Vision to Plan Writing the Outcomes and Assessments 1. Ask the department staff what they see as a “successful” day 2. Ask other constituents what they expect from the department 3. Think of at least two different groups and the department's service to those groups: Students and college employees

10 How We Escaped the Big, SCARY AUO Monster – II – Vision to Plan  Write an Outcome Draft Consider how the department BEST serves their “clients”  Establish Assessment Can you actually assess that outcome? What tools do you have available?  Don’t freeze up – Remember this is not set in stone

11 ITO Departmental AUO #1 - The Plan  Administrative Unit Objective #1 The Information Technology Office will increase employee self-sufficiency through active training  Assessment Method #1 Use after-action surveys & other documentation to show increased employee self-sufficiency Surveys (post work-orders) Surveys (post training sessions) Analyze help-desk call volume to discover number of repeated common problem types

12 ITO Departmental AUO #2 – The Plan  Administrative Unit Objective #2 Barstow College network users (students &staff) will ○ Be aware of technology dangers and potential pitfalls of using technology in a high tech environment ○ Evaluate technological security and apply appropriate behavior depending on situational settings  Assessment Method #2 Survey and monitor password changes to match campus computer use policy password standards Monitor various logs and databases for threat detection and attacks

13 Develop two AUOs (one employee based and one student based) AND Develop a method to survey/assess your AUO NOW - Share Our Ideas

14 How We Escaped the Big, SCARY AUO Monster – III – Plan to Action Now that we have a PLAN, what do we do?  Look for Tools to Survive Authentic Assessment Methods of Gathering Data Technology - high-powered weaponry (but only in trained hands)

15 How We Escaped the Big, SCARY AUO Monster – III – Plan to Action We have a Vision; we have a Plan for outcomes and assessments, and we have tools WHAT NOW? We need reconnaissance (data gathering) to figure out the where to marshal our forces

16 Reconnaissance: Data & Analysis  Surveyed clients Work Orders Campus-wide emails and discussions  Discovery – Number 1 weakness The AUO goal of “Self-sufficiency” was not being met

17 Reconnaissance: Data & Analysis

18 Organizing the ATTACK - Intervention: Training Component Created topics based reconnaissance:  IT office surveys, work order history, and experience  Dialogue with Students Services Department  Faculty Involvement  Ask for campus input via e-mails

19 Organizing the ATTACK - Intervention: Training Component  Involved as many areas as possible  Found “volunteer” presenters across all campus areas Classified Employees Faculty Departmental Managers

20 Organizing the ATTACK - Intervention: Training Component  Set schedule to allow maximum flexibility of attendance

21 ASSUME you have done reconnaissance and found weaknesses. NOW, Organize an attack (training/intervention) to achieve your mock department’s outcome or goal (that you have created) NOW - Share Our Ideas

22 After Action/Attack Report I (results): Intervention: Training Component After Session Surveys (primarily classified staff)  When asked if sessions led to self- sufficiency… 47.3% felt they would be able to use knowledge gained to help themselves  Majority of responses “More Training”  Additional MS Office suite training  More Banner training

23 After Action/Attack Report II (analysis) : Intervention: Training Component  In-service surveys (60% faculty) RESULTS - Large percentage of faculty resist training that is not mandatory ANALYSIS/CHANGE - Use existing training venues  Meeting discussion with managers RESULTS – They want dedicated training ANALYSIS/CHANGE – Tailor training to department

24 Vigilance: Continue Gathering Data  Ongoing monitoring of IT work-order system Follow-up surveys  Additional training Departmental specific training opportunities  Departmental reviews (Assessment cycle)  Integration of Departmental spotlight sessions within monthly All College Meetings

25 Next Line of Defense: All Other Departments  Create department level vision statements  Create AUOs  Create assessment  Gather and analyze data  Create intervention  Create a cycle of departmental review

26 Departmental Cycles  Break admin units into small focused groups Each group will be assessed on a three year cycle ○ 2009-2010 ITO, M&O, College Bookstore ○ 2010-2011 Business Office, HRDO, President’s Office ○ 2011-2012 Public Affairs, Research Office, Distance Learning ○ 2012-2013 Tutorial, Computer Commons

27 AUO Process (Keeping the Monster at Bay)  Map relation to other departments  Create a departmental vision statement  Design AUOs (student and employee based)  Develop a method to survey/assess  Understand your tools  Create a training/intervention program to further achieve outcomes and goals  Repeat Cycle (as needed)


29 Monster-Busters Inc. Contact Information Penny Shreve-SmithHeather Porter SLO CoordinatorStudent Services Liaison

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