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Assignment # 3 Networking Components By: Jeff Long.

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1 Assignment # 3 Networking Components By: Jeff Long

2 HUB A Hub is a small simple device that joins multiple computers/ Printers together. Most Ethernet hubs support up to four computers. In addition they can also connect game consoles, as seen in the diagram. They are relatively inexpensive and range in price from 30$ to 300$. A hub might be used in a home to connect a laptop as well as a game console to the internet, allowing the user to surf the web and play online games.

3 Switch A networking switch is used to connect printers, computers and severs within a building or school campus. A switch serves as a controller, allowing network devices to talk to each other efficiently, they are often referred to as a switching hub. They are used by businesses and schools to make it more efficient for network devices to communicate with each other. Network switches can range in price from 50$ to 500$ additionally more than one network switch may be required depending on the size of the network.

4 Router A router is a small physical device that connects two or more networks together. You have to have an ISP (internet service provider) in order to be able to connect to the internet. Virtually everyone that uses the internet has to use a router. Routers are relatively inexpensive and typically come with any internet service you choose to purchase, however in store they can go from 30$ to 200$.

5 Bridge A bridge is a network device that connects two parts of a network together. For instance the company I work for has a call center that is on the same network and a bridge deciphers whether a message goes to my department or the call center across the street that is also on the same network. Any business or school with multiple departments can use bridges. Network bridges can run from 150$ to 2000$

6 Gateway A gateway is a network point that acts as an entrance to another network. On the Internet, a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (end-point) node. Both the computers of Internet users and the computers that serve pages to users are host nodes. The computers that control traffic within a company's network or at a local Internet service provider (ISP) are gateway nodes. Gateways can run from 500$ to 5000$

7 Firewall A firewall, whether hardware based or software based is used to keep a network secure. The primary goal of a firewall is to analyze all incoming traffic and to analyze the data packets to make sure they are not harmful. The firewall is like a bridge between the users network which assumed to be secure and also another network like the internet that is not secure. Most personal computers have software that acts as a firewall and additionally most routers have firewall components in them. Almost everyone that accesses the internet uses sometime of firewall software or hardware. Firewall hardware can range from 300$ to 3000$ dollars, firewall software can range from 30$ to 300$.

8 Wireless AP (Access Point) A wireless access point is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network via WIFI, Bluetooth or any related standard. The WAP usually connect to a wired router or is in the router itself. Any device that is able to connect to a wireless access point is able to utilize it, hence any business or individual that chooses can opt to have a wireless connection. The price of WAP can range from 40$ to 600$ for some of the more powerful brand name devices.

9 Full Diagram

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