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10/3/14 BR: How many people do you need to interview for your project? Today: What’s in Your Community?

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Presentation on theme: "10/3/14 BR: How many people do you need to interview for your project? Today: What’s in Your Community?"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/3/14 BR: How many people do you need to interview for your project? Today: What’s in Your Community?

2 Making A Community Map We will make a large map of all of the things in our neighborhood. We will complete this project by next Tuesday. Upon completion of the projects all those involved will receive 100 points.

3 Project Teams (partner only!) Pick up the explanation sheet and rubric of the project. Read it over, ask questions.

4 More Details: Use the Map process sheet but here are some additional details 1-2.Use Irving Park, Pulaski, Albany, Lawrence as your boundaries 4. Survey at Least 5 People (family and teachers count!) -Write down their responses (or give them a copy of the paper and have them write it down!) 7. Create a key for your map (resources, problems/things to improve


6 Survey Results Resources/Assets (positives)Things to improve

7 What to Hand In? - How do I get 100 Points? 1.Map – properly labeled (resources and areas to improve) 2.Survey responses (at least 5) - questions a-d. 3.List of resources/assets and Things to be improved (survey results) 4.Perfect Paragraph – How do you feel about your community?

8 Map Key? My House Resources/Asset Challenge/Problem/thing to improve 1 7

9 Map Key (examples) 1.Albany Park Neighborhood Center - 5101 N Kimball Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 (773) 509-5650 7. Abandoned house with gang graffiti – 2111 W. Eastwood

10 Survey Responses Pick up a paper and read it over. Pick out the resources and assets as well as the location (if you can) List them on a piece of paper (see next) and hand it in at the end of the period.

11 Survey Response (example) 1. Asset/Resource – “Friendly People” – Lawrence and Kedzie

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