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Civil Rights in America: An Evolving Process Has the United States reached a state where civil rights are provided to all?

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2 Civil Rights in America: An Evolving Process Has the United States reached a state where civil rights are provided to all?

3 Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II Executive Order: allowed military to create zones to exclude enemy aliens – Some German and Italians were included, but not many 62% of those interned were American citizens All interned on West Coast Approx. 1,800 interned in Hawaii Yasui v. US, Hirabayashi v. US (43) –upheld convictions for breaking curfews Korematsu v. US (44) – upheld exclusion order


5 McCarthyism and the Red Scare House Un-American Activities Committee Smith Act (1940) – Illegal to advocate the overthrow of the government by force to belong to an organization with the above goal McCarran Internal Security Act (1950) – Illegal to Advocate or support the establishment of a totalitarian government Restrict travel of people belonging to Communist organizations Authorized creation of detention centers for subversives Joseph McCarthy v. Hollywood and the Boy Scouts – Blacklists – Contempt of Congress – Eventually censored by the Senate in 1954 (when he took on the military)


7 Black Civil Rights Brown v. Topeka Board of Education (1954) – Separate not equal in education – Public schools should be desegregated as soon as possible – Eisenhower uses troops to defend black students going to school in response to Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus calling the National Guard to prevent black students from attending a “white school” Chief Justice, Earl Warren wrote the majority opinion Thurgood Marshall, lawyer for NAACP Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) – 1956 Supreme Court strikes down bus segregation, Bowder v. Gayle Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1957) (SCLC) – Martin Luther King Jr. organization for civil disobedience against discrimination against blacks – Marches – Washington (1963), Selma to Montgomery (1965) James Meredith (1962) – First black student to attend University of Mississippi – Escorted by US Marshalls, Governor Ross Barnett barred his entrance – 160 US Marshalls were injured, 40 national guardsmen injured, 2 people were killed

8 Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 1964 – All segregation in public facilities illegal, i.e. hotels and restaurants – Increased jurisdiction for the federal government to intervene on behalf of school desegregation – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 24 th Amendment – made poll taxes illegal 1965 – Voting Rights Act – ended literacy tests and mandated federal oversight of voting in the South

9 Great Society and the War on Poverty Medicare Medicaid Elementary and Secondary Education Act Abolish quotas for immigration Department of Transportation created Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) created


11 Landmark Supreme Court Decisions Mapp v. Ohio (1961) – illegally seized evidence cannot be used Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) – requirement to provide a public defender Miranda v. Arizona (1966) – right to remain silent, be represented… Yates v. US (1957) – radical and revolutionary speech protected unless clear and present danger Engel v. Vitale (1962) – prohibited prayer in school

12 Women’s Liberation Portrayal of women in media less restrictive Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) – state cannot prohibit the use of contraceptives The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan (1963) – encouraged middle class women to seek professional careers NOW – National Organization of Women established Equal Rights Amendments - ERA – passed by Congress, did not pass the required number of states Roe V Wade (1973) – struck down laws prohibiting abortions as protected by the right to privacy

13 Student Revolts Students for a Democratic Society – Port Huron Statement – students to participate in rules of the university regarding political activity, speech, dormitory rules, Vietnam War – 1 st protests in Berkeley Weathermen – Used violent means to protest discredited the SDS Woodstock – End of the movement – Gathering in Upstate NY – drugs, music, sex – zenith of the New Left

14 Assassinations Medgar Evers – June 12, 1963 President John F Kennedy – November 22, 1963 Malcolm X - February 21, 1965 Martin Luther King Jr. – April 4,1968 Senator Robert F Kennedy – June 5, 1968 Robert Kennedy on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr Robert Kennedy on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr

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