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Ancient Greece Review Exam on Monday, Nov 24th. Early people of the Aegean What was the Minoan Civilization famous for?

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Review Exam on Monday, Nov 24th. Early people of the Aegean What was the Minoan Civilization famous for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Review Exam on Monday, Nov 24th

2 Early people of the Aegean What was the Minoan Civilization famous for?

3 Minoans based their success on trade by setting up outposts. They were not conquerors. Minoans had contact with Egypt and Mesopotamia. Ideas and technology were adapted into their own culture. Rulers lived at the Palace of Knossos. Art: Leaping dolphins and Frescoes Worship: Bull and Mother goddess

4 What made the Mycenaean civilization important?

5 Mycenaeans were traders and conquerors. Rulers were focused on gathering wealth and building fortresses. They were best known for the involvement in the Trojan war.

6 Why was the Trojan War special to the Greek people?

7 What were the causes?? Economics or the kidnapping of Helen are mentioned. The war was ten years. Evidence exists that the event happened.

8 How did the geography of Greece impact its political situation?

9 Mountains had the biggest affect on its development. Small city-states were created. City-states were called-polis. The polis included the political and economic community. The seas provided the link to trade. Sailors carried wine and olive oil.

10 What were the famous battles of the Persian Wars?

11 Marathon- Athenians broke thru the Persians line and overwhelmed them in hand to hand combat. Pheidippides became famous for as runner. He ran hundreds of miles to search for help. Thermopylae- Although, this was an heroic stance by the Spartans. The loss led to the destruction of Athens. Salamis--this narrow strait proved costly to the Persian navy. Athens used ramming devices that hurt destroyed Persia’s fleet.

12 What were the differences between Athens and Sparta? You know this!

13 How were Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles important to democracy?

14 Solon-594 b.c. started the democratic reforms of Greece. He gave the Assembly more say and opened more doors to citizens. Cleisthenes- 507 b.c. increased the role of citizens. Introduced the Council of 500- chosen by lot--legislative body. All male citizens over 30 were members of assembly.

15 Pericles- 460 b.c.-429b.c Athens became a direct democracy. 6,000 members had to be present for decisions. Fixed salary for those who served. Jury Ostracism

16 Socrates- Socratic method Threatened traditions Plato--The Republic--vision of an ideal state. He rejected democracy. For a true leader, Plato believed that a just King-philosopher-would be in the people’s best interests.

17 Aristotle-believed in a virtuous leader. He promoted reason, logic, ethics, and the sciences.

18 Greek Art and Artists Balance, order, and beauty Phidias- sculpture of the statue Athena in the Parthenon.

19 Why was the Alexander the Great considered “great?” Expansion of his empire Strategy Cross-cultural influence Never lost a battle

20 Hellenistic Alexandria, Egypt-center of Hellenistic life. 400 foot light house Library Math and Science/medicine achievements. Art/Architecture: More realistic

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