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Verifying the Validity of Websites Mrs. Shatal LBS Class 7 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Verifying the Validity of Websites Mrs. Shatal LBS Class 7 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verifying the Validity of Websites Mrs. Shatal LBS Class 7 th Grade

2 Vocabulary O Valid: Founded on truth or fact O Cite: To quote as an example, authority, or proof. O References: the act of mentioning something in speech or in writing O Unbiased: not having or showing an unfair tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others.

3 Why is it Important? O Misinformation is evil and it can narrow people’s minds. O When conducting research it is important to make sure that the information is accurate. O index.html

4 NOT VALID WEBSITES TO USE IN RESEARCH O Wikipedia O O ChaCha O O Why?..............

5 Nine Website Evaluation Criteria O Professionalism O Website has an author O Information must be credible and error free O Site is published and a copyright O Links to other websites with the same information

6 Nine Website Evaluation Criteria O References O Relevant topics O Information is unbiased O Website is Current

7 Professionalism O Anyone can make a website…. O Professional sites PAY someone to make them……does it look like a 2 year old made it? O Some professional sites include; O gov, org, mil, museum

8 Website has an author O Is the author of the website credible? O Ask yourself: O Is it clear who wrote the website? O Is the author qualified? O This means do they have education like a Doctorate or an M.D. O Are they a professional in their field. O For example I should not make a website about knee surgery…..because I don’t know anything about it.

9 Must be Credible and Error Free O No spelling or grammar errors. O Is the content consistent with what is already known on the topic. O If the information presented is ground-breaking, is there any proof to the accusations?

10 Site is published and copyrighted O The site is sponsored and/or has a copyright O Look to see if the website has a sponsor….Example: National Guard O Copyrighting costs time and money….so most fake sites will not have this

11 Links to other sites verifying the same information O Information between main site and sites provided through links should be the same. O Check a couple of links on the webpage, these sites should have information that is relevant to the topic.

12 References O The website should have references and links that reflect the quality and amount of research.

13 Relevant Topics O Topic discussed on the website should be relevant to what the website is about. O If the website is about Bigfoot it should be about Bigfoot and not about someone's mom.

14 Information is unbiased O The website should not try to sway your opinion. O Does the website present accurate descriptions of alternate viewpoints? O Are advertisements on the web pages?

15 Website must be current O The page is current and has been updated. O Is the information current enough for the topic? O Are revision dates posted on the web site? If so, when was the last revision? O How current are the links? Have any expired or moved? O

16 Final Words O If you are in doubt, seek the opinion of a trained professional, or search for a new web site.

17 Questions?

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