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The Story of Abraham. Abraham was married to Sarah for a long time. Both of them were getting old and they still had no child. Abraham Sarah.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of Abraham. Abraham was married to Sarah for a long time. Both of them were getting old and they still had no child. Abraham Sarah."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of Abraham

2 Abraham was married to Sarah for a long time. Both of them were getting old and they still had no child. Abraham Sarah

3 Sarah had an Egyptian slave named Hagar. Abraham and Sarah decided to ask Hagar to help them have a baby. Sarah Hagar

4 Hagar had a baby boy and they named him Ishmael. Ishmael Sarah Hagar

5 Yahweh said: I am establishi ng my covenant between me and your descendan ts [ancestors.] I will give you and your descendan ts the land of Canaan and I will be their God.

6 “Sarah will bear you a son and you are to call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him. BUT as for Ishmael I have blessed him. I will make him fruitful and he will father twelve princes. I will make him a great nation.” Mueller’s translation: Isaac will be the special one who has an agreement with Yahweh but He will make sure to bless Ishmael too...

7 Then Abraham and Sarah had a baby they named Isaac. I shall name you Isaac! Isaac Sarah Abraham

8 Ishmael Abraham now had two sons: Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac

9 Isaac was to be the leader of the Israelites in the promised land of Canaan. Isaac

10 Ishmael was to be the leader of “12 princes and a great nation” in the East. Ishmael

11 An angel of Yahweh told Hagar... “...everyones hand will be against Ishmael; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.” Hagar was not too happy about her son having a hard life.

12 As the brothers grew up Ishmael could tell Isaac was the favored son. This made Ishmael jealous and bitter. He mocked and disdained his half brother. Eventually Sarah demanded that Ishmael and Hagar leave Abraham’s family and their home in Canaan.

13 Yahweh had mercy upon Hagar and Ishmael. They went to live in the Arabian Peninsula where Ishmael became the leader of all the great desert peoples of the Middle East just as Yahweh had promised. Arabian Peninsula

14 Abraham Sun ni Sh ia Roman Catholicis m Protest antism Eastern Orthodoxy Isaac Ishmael JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY ISLAM



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