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Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 36) 1. “ Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Man Convicted of Posting Threatening Rap Messages.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 36) 1. “ Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Man Convicted of Posting Threatening Rap Messages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes

2 Current Events (Set 36) 1. “ Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Man Convicted of Posting Threatening Rap Messages to Wife on Facebook.” 8-1 Social media 1 st Amend. case decides that a reasonable person wouldn’t regard postings as legitimate threats. “Negligence is not sufficient to support a conviction when there is no clear intent….” “Enough elementary schools in a ten mile radius to initiate the most heinous school shooting ever imagined.” “I’m not going to Rest until your body Is a mess soaked in Blood and dying from All the little cuts.”

3 Current Event #2 2. “Long Overdue: President Obama Posthumously Awards Medal of Honor to Slighted WW1 Soldiers.” 2. “Long Overdue: President Obama Posthumously Awards Medal of Honor to Slighted WW1 Soldiers.” Jewish and African-American war heroes went unrewarded in their lifetimes because of discrimination. Jewish and African-American war heroes went unrewarded in their lifetimes because of discrimination. Army Sgt. William Shemin and Private Henry Johnson had been overlooked for nearly a century VALOR

4 Current Event #3  3. “Mission to Mars: NASA to Test Flying Saucer Design and Supersonic Parachute Over Pacific.”  20 mile high drop near Hawaii is first in series of tests that may hold key to future human missions in 2030’s. One key to a successful Mars landing is creating sufficient atmospheric drag to slow the descent 140,000,000 miles

5 Current Event #4 4. “ 1929 Racist Colored Illustration by Dr. Seuss from ‘Judge’ Magazine Fails to Win Bids at Auction.” 4. “ 1929 Racist Colored Illustration by Dr. Seuss from ‘Judge’ Magazine Fails to Win Bids at Auction.” Minimum bid was $20,000 for drawing that includes use of “N” word and white characters in black-face. Minimum bid was $20,000 for drawing that includes use of “N” word and white characters in black-face. His World War II drawings of Japanese people are also considered racially insensitive

6 Lincoln Assassination: John Wilkes Booth Today’s History Standard is: 8.11

7 Aftershock: Reconstruction & the KKK Today’s History Standard is: 8.11

8 Andrew Johnson Reconstruction Share Croppers Freedmen’s Bureau Scalawags Radical Republicans Ku Klux Klan Carpetbaggers Plessy vs. Ferguson Jim Crow Laws 10% Plan John Wilkes Booth

9 Fight over Reconstruction 8 Black Codes limit freedoms of African American s Radical Republicans want to force change in the South Civil Rights Act of 1866 Vetoed by Johnson 14 th Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws 7/9/1868 Reconstruction Acts divided South into 5 military districts President Johnson faces impeachment trial 1 2 15 th Amendment voting rights for African- American men 2/3/1870 Lesson 2 13 th Amendment Abolishes Slavery 12/18/1865 76 5 4 3

10 Transcontinental Railroad Today’s History Standard is 8.12

11 Abraham Lincoln’s 2 nd Inaugural Address Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address Saturday, March 4, 1865 “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

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