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Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 16) 1. “1 st Amendment? KKK’s White Pride Billboard Stirs Controversy in Arkansas over.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 16) 1. “1 st Amendment? KKK’s White Pride Billboard Stirs Controversy in Arkansas over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes

2 Current Events (Set 16) 1. “1 st Amendment? KKK’s White Pride Billboard Stirs Controversy in Arkansas over Free Speech.” Ku Klux Klan is trying to attract listeners to their racist radio station by using messages of love. Knights of the Party of Zinc (formerly KKK) placed sign on Highway 65 near Harrison, AR

3 Current Event #2 2. “After Two-Year Delay, Construction Finally Begins on California’s $68 Billion Bullet Train.” Ground breaking ceremony in Fresno for high-speed rail line will connect San Francisco to Los Angeles. Underfunded: Federal $ still needed to finish by 2029 completion date 220 mph

4 Current Event #3 3. “ 1795 Time Capsule Buried by Paul Revere and Sam Adams Unearthed at Massachusetts State House.” Oldest capsule in America; container with artifacts was laid in cornerstone during its construction in Boston. Sam Adams was Governor at time; contents include a Paul Revere plate, medal, newspaper, & coins

5 Current Event #4 Moments before the attack, a cartoon was tweeted mocking the leader of ISIS New Year’s message 4. “ Manhunt: 1 Suspect Turns Self in; 2 Jihadists on the Run in Charlie Hebdo Massacre in Paris, France.” 12 killed in terror (and free press) attack at satirical newspaper known for its political & religious cartoons. AK-47 The Kouachi brothers Allahu akbar!

6 Current Event Update French authorities say all four were involved in the attempted prison breakout of the terrorist Smain Ali Belkacem who blew up a French subway in 1995 killing 8, wounding 150 Police assaults end 2 separate hostage standoffs in France Charlie Hebdo attack suspects killed by police in printing wherehouse. They said they wanted to die as martyrs. Suspects in female police office killing took hostages in a kosher grocery store. 1 killed by police, one at-large. 4 hostages killed; 4 wounded

7 Current Event #5 5. “ Group Proposes $200 Million 400-foot Ferris Wheel on Bay Front Next to USS Midway Museum.” Skywheel at Discovery Point would have 30 gondolas each transporting 25 riders at a cost of $25 for 30 min. Port District must approve plan; it would also offer light shows & exhibits with $60-70 million in projected annual revenue 2019?

8 Washington Leads a New Nation Social Studies (Standard 8.1 / 8.3) Elected unanimously By Electoral College (11states) First President Republican Motherhood “Citizenship” Limited opportunities for women outside the home: education, politics, & business Precedents = “firsts” Advisors = First Cabinet: “Secretaries” Hamilton & Jefferson First Law Judiciary Act: Federal Court System, Justices nominated & approved Expectations? Economy: Trade, protective tariffs, farming, new lands

9 Mount Vernon Assumption Thomas Jefferson precedent New York Electoral College Anthrax Whiskey Rebellion Alexander Hamilton Foggy Bottom Nelson Neutrality

10 What’s the Big Idea? 1. National Debt (pg. 200) 2. State’s Debts (pg. 201) 3. Moving the Capital (pg. 201-202) 4. Jefferson Opposes Hamilton: Differing Views (Pg. 202) 5. Economic Differences (pg. 202-203) 6. Primary source: Role of a Citizen (pg. 203) 7. Hamilton’s Plan for a National Bank (pg. 203) 8. Jefferson Opposes the Bank (pg. 204) Answer on front of card… Names and period on back of card

11 Hamilton vs. Jefferson Dialogue Directions: Color & write a dialogue between Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson that reflects their disagreements and different philosophies about the role of the government and their beliefs & vision for the country. (Minimum 3 lines each) ____________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________ __ ___________________________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ ______________________________ Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury Secretary of State You think you know what’s best for Americans No, but at least I trust all Americans! We should be led by educated citizens who govern for the rest. Ordinary citizens care more about preserving liberty than having power. You can’t trust the common people, they would become selfish. No, when they work hard for themselves, it benefits all of us.

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