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Red Bull Affects Behavior BA492 Nic Jenkins Kahui Kim.

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1 Red Bull Affects Behavior BA492 Nic Jenkins Kahui Kim

2 Red Bull Logo Affects Behavior Study shows Red Bull imagery alone can affect behavior  Participants played car racing game. Same car used w/ 5 different logos (Red Bull, Coca-Cola, Guinness, Tropicana, unbranded)  When using the Red Bull car, participants drove faster, more reckless and more risky.

3 Red Bull Marketing Sponsorship  Sponsors top athletes from extreme/alternative sports Event Creation  New Years NewYears  X Fighters  Red Bull Rampage Red Bull Rampage

4 Red Bull Marketing cont. Sport Creation  Flugtag Flugtag  Air Race Marketing represents a “on the edge” or “push your limits” lifestyle

5 Generation Y Directly targets generation Y  Less parental influence  Go to Church less  Seeks expression through brands Less concerned w/ product. More concerned w/ what the brand is doing.

6 Red Bull Logo Affects Behavior Red Bull is so successful pushing imagery that its logo alone can affect a consumer's behavior What do you think about Red Bull? Is it a brand that pushes limits or just a product that makes an OK chaser?

7 References Q&feature=relmfu Q&feature=relmfu is-enough-to-affect-consumer-behavior-study- shows-2011-2 is-enough-to-affect-consumer-behavior-study- shows-2011-2 _E _E rPU rPU

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