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Unit 4 – Progressive Era & Westward Expansion

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1 Unit 4 – Progressive Era & Westward Expansion
U.S. History Unit 4 – Progressive Era & Westward Expansion

2 November 11 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer (Role of Government) & CLO(s)
Political Ideology Survey Cows Explain Politics Unit 4 Speed Dating Activity Reminders Chapter 16 Quiz – Friday, November 13th Speed Dating Activity – Tuesday, November 17th Extra credit – Ream of paper Please contribute $1 for candy 

3 Bell Ringer & CLO(s) BELL RINGER: What is the role of government?
CLO(s): Students will: Discuss and analyze the role of government. Take a political ideology survey. Create illustrative representations government. Investigate the world by gathering information on their speed dating character.

4 Which government appeals to you and why?
Cows Explain Politics Which government appeals to you and why? Which government does the U.S. have? Which government is most unappealing to you and why?

5 Poll Everywhere

6 November 11 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer & CLO(s) Grades Kahoot!
Unit 4 Speed Dating Activity Reminders Prepare for speed dating activity next class Extra credit – Ream of paper Please contribute $1 for candy 


8 Questions List several evils that the progressives of the period 1880 –1920 tried to eliminate. What factors created a climate favorable to reform in the early twentieth century? Why are these reformers called Progressives? To what extent did these reformers achieve success in the period 1880 –1920? To what extent did these individuals build a foundation for the realization of reforms in the future?

9 Progressive Reformer Questions
What criticism of American society did the individual have? What methods did the person use to improve American life? What success did the individual have in promoting reform? What detail(s) of the person’s work made him or her an interesting historical figure. What lasting impact did the person’s reforms have on American society?

10 November 17 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer & CLO(s)
ALL missing work due today! Turn in progress reports Plickers Unit 4 Speed Dating Activity Progressive President Debate Prep Reminders Prepare for debate next class

11 Bell Ringer & CLO(s) BELL RINGER: What is the role of government?
CLO(s): Students will: Discuss and analyze the role of government. Take a political ideology survey. Create illustrative representations government. Investigate the world by gathering information on their speed dating character.

12 Exit Ticket Real & Character Name
List 2 – 3 people you have common interests with or your interests align. Pick one person from above and explain WHY your interests align. List 2 – 3 people who share very different interests from your own. Pick one person from above and explain WHY your interests diverge? What was the purpose of this activity? Feedback on this activity.

13 November 19 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer & CLO(s)
Progressive President Debate Prep Debate Reminders Tomorrow is a white day, go to advisement first!

14 Bell Ringer & CLO(s) BELL RINGER: Complete side 1 of your connect two.
CLO(s): Students will: Complete a connect two (in writing) individually to make connections using academic language. Prepare for a debate in small groups using multiple sources orally and in writing. Participate in a debate using academic language and multiple sources in small groups.

15 November 20 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer & CLO(s) Debate Wrap Up
Judge’s Rulings Connect Two Three Questions Leisure & Culture During the Progressive Era Reminders ENJOY YOUR BREAK!

16 Three Questions Which progressive president deserves the most credit for addressing the effects of industrialization? Which progressive president deserves the most credit for reforming national government? Which progressive president was the most progressive? List at least three pieces of evidence to support your claim.

17 November 20 – Unit 4 AGENDA Bell Ringer & CLO(s)
Woodrow Wilson’s Legacy & African American Nadir Birth of a Nation Project – Letter to Congress Westward Expansion Sand Creek Massacre Reminders Letter to Congress due Friday, December 8th

18 Read and annotate the op-ed re: President Wilson
Bell Ringer & CLO(s) BELL RINGER: Read and annotate the op-ed re: President Wilson

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