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CSCI-1411 F UNDAMENTALS O F C OMPUTING L AB Shane Transue Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCI-1411 F UNDAMENTALS O F C OMPUTING L AB Shane Transue Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCI-1411 F UNDAMENTALS O F C OMPUTING L AB Shane Transue Spring 2014

2 Lab 5: Loops and Files  5.1 Working with the while loop  while.cpp Answer the question from exercise 3  sentienel.cpp Answer questions from exercises 5/6  5.2 Working with the do-while Loop  dowhile.cpp Answer the question for exercise 3

3 Lab 5: Loops and Files  5.3 Working with the for loop  for.cpp Exercise 1: static_cast (myValue); Exercise 2: Record the results in a comment Exercise 3: Turn in your code after these changes  5.4 Nested Loops  nested.cpp Exercise 2: Turn in your code after these changes

4 Lab 5: Loops and Files  5.5 (LM shows 3.5) Reading and Writing to a File  billfile.cpp  Create a text file (in same directory) vim transaction.dat 22 10.98 :wq  The program you write will create the file bill.out and should contain the following (after your program runs): The total bill is $241.56

5 Lab 5: Loops and Files  5.5 (LM shows 3.5) Reading and Writing to a File

6 Lab 5: Loops and Files  5.6 Choose one of the available 3 programming assignments to implement  beverage.cpp  fallingtime.cpp  banktellers.cpp

7 Lab 5: Loops and Files  Lab-4 Submission:  while.cpp  Sentinel.cpp  Dowhile.cpp  For.cpp  Nested.cpp  billfile.cpp  One of the following: beverage.cpp fallingtime.cpp banktellers.cpp

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